spurgeonryan said:
In a new interview with Dealspwn, Gearbox founder Brian Martel says he thinks the Wii U is a “really cool platform”, and that it’ll be interesting to see how Microsoft and Sony respond to the touchscreen controller with their next gen consoles. They have sort of responded already, with SmartGlass and Sony’s Vita cross-play.
By cross-play I'm guessing they are referring to the dual screen capabilties and not cross-play that's basically tranfarring, but Sony wasn't going to use Kojima's coined term. I hope Gearbox does that! Even if Borderlands 2 gets on the Vita, they should still make it an option for the PS3 game. Get next gen dual screen functionality here already, we need to test this stuff out on home consoles.
Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(