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Forums - Gaming Discussion - New iPad and PS Vita specs

NYANKS said:
Won't the iPad not be optimized for game playing though? I thought even though the specs are almost as good as Vita, that it's actual ability would show a definite difference, since all of Vita's horsepower is focused on one thing, games.

My point isn't that the new iPad is a games console, just that these devices are already passing Vita and by end of this year will be superior in all technical ways (less controls of course).

This is why I'm pushing the idea that Vita should have just been a phone/tablet to actually match all of their benefits as well as provide the superior controls. Then even with that business model, Sony could easily afford to put out a new Vita every other or less, like phone companies, to stay ahead of the curve.

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Psvita prices are $250 and $300. Official Playstation Vita Thread! Come in and join!!!

Personally, I don't want either of them but the price of the iPad here will be ludicrous. Usually, you can take the price in dollars and multiply by ten to get the price here in NOK. That brings it right up there with a really good laptop with good specs or an even better gaming desktop computer and is above the cost of my consoles and phone put together. Plus, I really, really hate all forms of touchscreen action, whether it be for "gaming" controls, internet browsing or writing of any kind.

But, people are willing to pay it so its brilliant in its own way.

kivi95 said:
Psvita prices are $250 and $300.

Reread the OP. I'm adding in the 16GB card for comparison and I do note a 4GB card is $40 cheaper.

RolStoppable said:

Not going to change the outcome of failure, so there's not much of a point for me to get into an argument here.

What are you considering failure? My version would be profitable and sustainable.

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neither for me... if you want to play games get a console.

RolStoppable said:
superchunk said:
RolStoppable said:

Not going to change the outcome of failure, so there's not much of a point for me to get into an argument here.

What are you considering failure? My version would be profitable and sustainable.

Failure to compete with Nintendo. Making the Vita a phone would equal withdrawing from the handheld market.

Then we agree as that's exactly what I said they should do in my other thread. Sony won't survive the rise of smartphones/tablets as it is.

I think you should look at specs you are posting yourself - same GPU power 4 times more pixels to push by ipad.


Zlejedi said:
I think you should look at specs you are posting yourself - same GPU power 4 times more pixels to push by ipad.

My OP isn't about which one is the stronger pony. Its additional support to my linked thread regarding why I think Vita should have been a smartphone and Sony should leave the dedicated portable console market.

Biased table, I'm no Apple fan by any means, in fact I hate all things Apple. But 16GB for storage is bullshit, you can get a 64GB version.