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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Wii U Thread!: Pokemon Rubmle U coming to Wii U

Tagged games:


What old franchise should Nintendo revive first on the Wii U?

Star Fox 220 47.31%
F-Zero 110 23.66%
Wave Race 29 6.24%
Top-Down Zelda 55 11.83%
Show me the results. 28 6.02%

Please dont miss Arc rise Fantasia, an excellent classic jrpg experience
Metroid Other M
Metroid Prime trilogy
Zelda games
Muramasa the demon blade
Xenoblade chronicles
The last story
Pandoras tower
FF chocobo dungeon
FF CC The crystal bearers

You must own these dude

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Noll said:
Hello! I'm a newly register lurker of these forums. I have a question, as I didn't touch a Nintendo home console from the Super Nes times, I'm totally clueless about what good titles Nintendo has to offer.

Here's the question: as I'm going to buy the Wii U, wich games from the old WII library would you reccomend?

My favorite genres are:

Jrpgs, Metroid-vania games, Platform RPGs like "Faxanadu".

Thanks for your time!

Welcome mate!

As a Nintendo fans that wants news and game recommendations there's really just 4 threads to keep an eye on; this one (obviously) and

Official Nintendo News, Wii U Launch Guide and Wii Recommandation Thread.

With these 4 threads you're set for life!!

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

ECM said:
JEMC said:
ECM said:
JEMC said:

I don't know what you think, but having to update to play Wii games is stupid silly.

We know WiiU does it by hardware, not software, so why do they force this?

@Blue logo: Well, it will fit better in some games than in others, just like the white band of the Xbox360 or the black one of the PS3. It's not a major problem.

Like so many other devs in the HD gen, Nintendo is discovering the 'virtue' of having extra weeks/months to work on their software, i.e. the software wasn't done when the machines were being assembled.

In other news, GameStop started billing for U's today.

I get that, that's why Miiverse and the rest of the web services must be downloaded.

What I don't understand is why the use of Wii games get affected by this given that they are emulated via hardware, not software. Even in the first Iwata Ask's about WiiU, when talking about the CPU it is mentioned that they were able to put several Wii's CPU instructions into the WiiU CPU.

I think it's a case of carrot and stick: they want/need people to grab this 'update' and a good way to get some people to do so is to tell them they have to grab it to play their Wii library. (Whether or not this is a smart move on NIntendo's part, I cannot comment, but I'd have to imagine that is the rationale.)

After reading the thread about it (thanks TomaTito!), I see that this is because the use of Wii games will be handled by an "app".


Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

wfz said:
I am OFFICIALLY getting a Wii U at launch! I just found out my best friend had pre-ordered two of them and he's going to let me have one. =D

The question is: was he your best friend before giving you that preorder or, by pure casuality, you just realized that he is your best friend?


Oh, and welcome Noll!

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

ECM said:
JEMC said:
ECM said:
JEMC said:

I don't know what you think, but having to update to play Wii games is stupid silly.

We know WiiU does it by hardware, not software, so why do they force this?

@Blue logo: Well, it will fit better in some games than in others, just like the white band of the Xbox360 or the black one of the PS3. It's not a major problem.

Like so many other devs in the HD gen, Nintendo is discovering the 'virtue' of having extra weeks/months to work on their software, i.e. the software wasn't done when the machines were being assembled.

In other news, GameStop started billing for U's today.

I get that, that's why Miiverse and the rest of the web services must be downloaded.

What I don't understand is why the use of Wii games get affected by this given that they are emulated via hardware, not software. Even in the first Iwata Ask's about WiiU, when talking about the CPU it is mentioned that they were able to put several Wii's CPU instructions into the WiiU CPU.

I think it's a case of carrot and stick: they want/need people to grab this 'update' and a good way to get some people to do so is to tell them they have to grab it to play their Wii library. (Whether or not this is a smart move on NIntendo's part, I cannot comment, but I'd have to imagine that is the rationale.)

I doubt it. Even if the "emulation" is on the Hardware level they still have the Wii Channel to emulate the OS system of the Wii and it may of had problems, or they are working on it to get as much working as possible. Because I read the Connect24 wasn't working amoung a few other things.

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We got lurker turned into a new poster? Sweet, welcome aboard, ol' chap! I can't say much, 'cause everybody else made the honourable mention for the games! XD

 And proud member of the Mega Mario Movement!

Thanks everyone your reply were very helpful :)
Can't wait to get my hands on this new tool!

JEMC said:
wfz said:
I am OFFICIALLY getting a Wii U at launch! I just found out my best friend had pre-ordered two of them and he's going to let me have one. =D

The question is: was he your best friend before giving you that preorder or, by pure casuality, you just realized that he is your best friend?


Oh, and welcome Noll!

Funny story behind that... =) A number of years back I used to post on the IGN Wii's general board, and a random user (who I had never seen before) posted in a thread talking about the fact that he just got the japanese launch copy of Super Smash Bros Brawl (released before USA) and said he was going to play it that weekend with his friends. I quoted his post and said something along the lines of "oh hey bro! I called you a few days ago... I thought we were going to play this weekend!" 

It was a complete joke, of course, but it just so happens that he DID receive a random call a few days ago, and he thought I was being serious. This lead to us laughing about it and he then said "well, if anyone here is from southern california and would like to meet up, feel free to let me know!" I DO live there... so I messaged him saying so, and then all of a sudden we were scheduling a weekend brawl-out. 

And ever since then, we've been almost brothers. It's... really weird. What are the chances?


EDIT: Doh, I almost forgot why I was posting in this thread. Today my boss asked me if I was getting BLOPS 2, and I told him that now since I'm getting a Wii U, I'll probably pick up that version if I get any of them, and he and all my coworkers laughed at me incredibly hard. Then I rebutted that I didn't want to pay for xbox live, and after mocking me about how cheap it was, my boss said he'd give me a year subscription in order to prevent me from getting the Wii U version.


Why so much hate for Wii U? =/

wfz said:
JEMC said:
wfz said:
I am OFFICIALLY getting a Wii U at launch! I just found out my best friend had pre-ordered two of them and he's going to let me have one. =D

The question is: was he your best friend before giving you that preorder or, by pure casuality, you just realized that he is your best friend?


Oh, and welcome Noll!

Funny story behind that... =) A number of years back I used to post on the IGN Wii's general board, and a random user (who I had never seen before) posted in a thread talking about the fact that he just got the japanese launch copy of Super Smash Bros Brawl (released before USA) and said he was going to play it that weekend with his friends. I quoted his post and said something along the lines of "oh hey bro! I called you a few days ago... I thought we were going to play this weekend!" 

It was a complete joke, of course, but it just so happens that he DID receive a random call a few days ago, and he thought I was being serious. This lead to us laughing about it and he then said "well, if anyone here is from southern california and would like to meet up, feel free to let me know!" I DO live there... so I messaged him saying so, and then all of a sudden we were scheduling a weekend brawl-out. 

And ever since then, we've been almost brothers. It's... really weird. What are the chances?

LoL! Serious!??


EDIT: Doh, I almost forgot why I was posting in this thread. Today my boss asked me if I was getting BLOPS 2, and I told him that now since I'm getting a Wii U, I'll probably pick up that version if I get any of them, and he and all my coworkers laughed at me incredibly hard. Then I rebutted that I didn't want to pay for xbox live, and after mocking me about how cheap it was, my boss said he'd give me a year subscription in order to prevent me from getting the Wii U version.


Why so much hate for Wii U? =/

Damn good question! Isn't the Wii U version superior in every way? I imagine more stable framrate AND you can play split screen WITHOUT the splitscreen at home with a friend... Stupid people are stupid.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

wfz said:

*Nice story*

EDIT: Doh, I almost forgot why I was posting in this thread. Today my boss asked me if I was getting BLOPS 2, and I told him that now since I'm getting a Wii U, I'll probably pick up that version if I get any of them, and he and all my coworkers laughed at me incredibly hard. Then I rebutted that I didn't want to pay for xbox live, and after mocking me about how cheap it was, my boss said he'd give me a year subscription in order to prevent me from getting the Wii U version.


Why so much hate for Wii U? =/

I don't think it is hate but ignorance and prejudices.

Nintendo has been seen as the kid's console for so long that, unfortunately, many have started to believe that it is true. That, coupled with the fact that CoD has shifted its focus to the online multiplayer experience rather than the single player one, makes that a lot of people believe that the Xbox360 game is better because it is a console for the grown up and with a proven and robust online.

Nothing that time and good games/online can't change, but not anytime soon.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.