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ECM said:
JEMC said:
ECM said:
JEMC said:

I don't know what you think, but having to update to play Wii games is stupid silly.

We know WiiU does it by hardware, not software, so why do they force this?

@Blue logo: Well, it will fit better in some games than in others, just like the white band of the Xbox360 or the black one of the PS3. It's not a major problem.

Like so many other devs in the HD gen, Nintendo is discovering the 'virtue' of having extra weeks/months to work on their software, i.e. the software wasn't done when the machines were being assembled.

In other news, GameStop started billing for U's today.

I get that, that's why Miiverse and the rest of the web services must be downloaded.

What I don't understand is why the use of Wii games get affected by this given that they are emulated via hardware, not software. Even in the first Iwata Ask's about WiiU, when talking about the CPU it is mentioned that they were able to put several Wii's CPU instructions into the WiiU CPU.

I think it's a case of carrot and stick: they want/need people to grab this 'update' and a good way to get some people to do so is to tell them they have to grab it to play their Wii library. (Whether or not this is a smart move on NIntendo's part, I cannot comment, but I'd have to imagine that is the rationale.)

I doubt it. Even if the "emulation" is on the Hardware level they still have the Wii Channel to emulate the OS system of the Wii and it may of had problems, or they are working on it to get as much working as possible. Because I read the Connect24 wasn't working amoung a few other things.