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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Wii U Thread!: Pokemon Rubmle U coming to Wii U

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What old franchise should Nintendo revive first on the Wii U?

Star Fox 220 47.31%
F-Zero 110 23.66%
Wave Race 29 6.24%
Top-Down Zelda 55 11.83%
Show me the results. 28 6.02%

Legendary designer seems very pleased by Nintendo's new console

Rayman creator Michel Ancel has taken part in an interview with French site GameBlog, where he talks about his experience with Nintendo's new Wii U console.

Ancel's comments, which have been translated by a NeoGAF forum member, give a tantalising glimpse into the power and potential of the machine.

Ancel states that it's hard to describe just what the system is about; he likens it to a new recipe which you have to taste to appreciate.

He also stresses that unlike the Wii, which many people criticised for catering for casual players too much, the Wii U is for the "core gamer", and that Nintendo has taken a different route into the next generation - while the console has "enormous memory", it does not offer the "graphical revolutions" one would usually associate with a next gen platform.



I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

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Seeing that fake Ice Climbers pic got me wondering for a real vertical platformer, I do believe their was a PS360 game with that vertical gameplay in mind.
Wether the game was successful or not, I don't know. But atleast they tried to make on this gen, I give them that!!!

 And proud member of the Mega Mario Movement!

2 years after? That`s really weird....

It's funny unlike with the Wii the Wii U seems to hit a cord with the indie developers in that they are bringing their stuff over. I guess what ever Nintendo is offering them in terms of incentives is a lot better then what they where getting with the 360.

I want to know what this w/ GM thing is.

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Wagram said:
I want to know what this w/ GM thing is.

While I'm guessing since they supply more than just games to the businesses they supply, it is their internal code of what type of product it is.

GM may be = Game Merchandice/Marketing

since they also have videos and other stuff. Couldn't really tell can't really browse them since you need to fill out an application for a login to the site. They are a distributor so they don't see directly to the end customer.

BlkPaladin said:
It's funny unlike with the Wii the Wii U seems to hit a cord with the indie developers in that they are bringing their stuff over. I guess what ever Nintendo is offering them in terms of incentives is a lot better then what they where getting with the 360.

Honestly, I think it has less to do with anything Nintendo has done and more with how much easier it is to release games on multiple platforms as an indie developer today ...

In a large part due to iPhone, Android, PSN, Wiiware and XBox Live Arcade  development there are more middleware developers producing tools for developers on a budget. While back in 2007 (or so) you'd have a pretty strong technical team to get decent performance across all these platforms, and this is less of an issue today.

Although I haven't heard any thing about this yet, I wouldn't be surprised if many low budget game engines (like Unity 3D) are already ported to the Wii U; and if some developers are already working on Wii U projects using these tools.

ew.. hopefully ps3 slim takes wii u's sales wind down.. I really dislike nintendo's strategy with their new console.. really making it almost on par with the ps3/360.. is just ridicoulous.. considering they are VERY OLD systems.. it's not like in 2006, when ps2 launched in 2000, and wii was about equal to XBOX, these are.. 6-7 year old consoles.. Xbox was 5 years old.. when wii launched.. sony/microsoft can really skip ahead by a lot


-Mr Khan


leo-j said:
ew.. hopefully ps3 slim takes wii u's sales wind down.. I really dislike nintendo's strategy with their new console.. really making it almost on par with the ps3/360.. is just ridicoulous.. considering they are VERY OLD systems.. it's not like in 2006, when ps2 launched in 2000, and wii was about equal to XBOX, these are.. 6-7 year old consoles.. Xbox was 5 years old.. when wii launched.. sony/microsoft can really skip ahead by a lot


Dude, you know as well as I do from specs it is not on par, but a few times above and with better RAM. If this was Madden, the Wii U would not have an overall rating of 80 while the 360 has an overall of 80...

MS can probably skip a lot, but then again, when we see the limits of PC right now I don't know how far that really can be; nor can I see who can afford it.

Graphically this is probably a leap similar to the PS1<Dreamcast leap. For those first years it will be considered impressive by devs.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

SaviorX said:
leo-j said:
ew.. hopefully ps3 slim takes wii u's sales wind down.. I really dislike nintendo's strategy with their new console.. really making it almost on par with the ps3/360.. is just ridicoulous.. considering they are VERY OLD systems.. it's not like in 2006, when ps2 launched in 2000, and wii was about equal to XBOX, these are.. 6-7 year old consoles.. Xbox was 5 years old.. when wii launched.. sony/microsoft can really skip ahead by a lot


Dude, you know as well as I do from specs it is not on par, but a few times above and with better RAM. If this was Madden, the Wii U would not have an overall rating of 80 while the 360 has an overall of 80...

MS can probably skip a lot, but then again, when we see the limits of PC right now I don't know how far that really can be; nor can I see who can afford it.

Graphically this is probably a leap similar to the PS1

what limits of PC right now are you talking about? Have you not seen that new star wars game that is releasing on PC/Unannounced platforms.. that looks like a CGI movie in play.. and it was running in game on a video game system.. and is releasing on consoles..

star wars 1313?

And what specs.. Wii U's specs are not known, and all we can go by is what developers are releasing, with games like ACIII barely being on par with ps3/360.. one can argue WII U is probably close to as powerful as the ps3..

