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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Wii U Thread!: Pokemon Rubmle U coming to Wii U

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What old franchise should Nintendo revive first on the Wii U?

Star Fox 220 47.31%
F-Zero 110 23.66%
Wave Race 29 6.24%
Top-Down Zelda 55 11.83%
Show me the results. 28 6.02%
snowdog said:
Bgassassin on Gaf has said that the game from Retro is a new IP and aimed at the PS360 crowd. The Metroid - Star Fox crossover title was probably an idea that ended up on the cutting room floor so to speak. It makes absolutely no sense to have big hairy space marines, bounty hunters, pirates and Samus Aran in her bloody great big suit in the same game as furry, feathered and amphibian earth creatures that are walking, talking and flying in space ships from a pure design standpoint.

Retro will be working on an FPS or TPS game aimed at the hardcore demographic

Not sure how I feel about the new controller, I really like the slide pad on the 3DS and the old design of the DRC had extra grips on them. I guess it may have been down to either Nintendo adding clickable functionality to them or feedback/requests from developers. The button placement seems a great deal better though.

I found several hints on GAF of this being true. I honestly didn't believe the crossover rumors. A new FPS/TPS IP from Nintendo would really help to bring in the hardcore, and Star Fox + Metroid didn't make any sense anyway. 

Better update the title.

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>There will be pre-intstalled software on Wii-U, just like on 3DS
>Their developers have lots of vrsions of the console (???)
>Wii-U's line-up is amazing
>What happened with the 3DS won't happen again
>Nintendo asked Ubisoft to release a high number of titles at the launch
>Ubisoft's line-up is this: Rayman Legends, Assassin's Creed 3, Just Dance 4
>Killer from outer space will be aviable a few weeks after launch
>Lots of Tech demos will be sent to Ubisoft, just like Zelda's one of the last E3
>They showed Ubisoft a lot of new features, some we still have to see
>Graphic card will be a Radeon HD 6770 
>After Dream he went to eat (???)
>A lot of Dev-kits were sent to Ubisoft
>One of them was 4GHz
>The 6GHz one was from 3 months ago
>Rayman Legends will come out on Vita as well, just like Rayman Origins
>Xbox 8's graphic card will be more powerful than Wii-U's
>However, Ubisoft isn't developing on Microsoft's new console yet
>Ass Creed 3 on Wii-U runs at 60 fps, with 1080p, against 360's and PS3's 720p
>This developed decided to leak these informations on Mario's castle because, by going in a more populated forum, he would have risked too much
>Wii-U's launch price will 450$
>After what happened with 3DS' launch, however, Nintendo decided to lower Wii-U's price: the final one hasn't been confirmed yet, but apparently it will be about 350-400$
>He doesn't know much about First Party
>Crytek, EA and Valve are working on Wii-U
>He doesn't know much about Valve, but he head that they are making someone similar to Steam and Portal's franchise
>No informations about the online store
>Ass Creed 3 will be playable both on PS3 and Vita
>He didn't see much about gamertags
>There will be achievaments
>He knows something about 3DS and Wii-U interaction, but he didn't want to say more
>Wii-U's interface will be the most customizable interface ever made by Nintendo
>Rayman Origins' demo for 3DS wasn't made by Ubisoft, it was made by another team
>He decided to leak these informations because he loves Nintendo's new console
>At E3 we'll see something more impressive than these news

Same thread as before.

Some more translations just came in... Looking good so far, but I'm still wondering how much "less powerful" it is than Xbox 8, and the lack of triggers is dissapointing. 

But on the bright side, UNREAL ENGINE 4 CONFIRMED!  (maybe)

>Wii U has 2GB of RAM, 560MB of that are for the OS
>supports DX11, they managed to port Unreal Engine 4 on it
>less powerful than Xbox 8
>2 tablet-pads are supported
>Release Date: 23 November
>Ubisoft will bring Rayman Legends, ACIII, Rabbids Party, Killer Freaks, The Avengers and Just Dance 4 on it
>That little button under the D-Pad on the left of the controller is somehow linked to the Wii Vitality Sensor
>No Analog R2/L2 unlike 360 controller/DualShock3 

These rumors are getting out of control, but most of it seems true.

Read my original story on Fictionpress (Shinigami Twin): 

As well as my other one (Hell's Punishment):

Nintendo Network ID: kingofe3

I hope the price point of 400 dollars is not be true. I can only afford the console at max fot 350 dollars.

Check out my Upcoming Wii U Games 2014 Thread

3DS Friend Code: 4553 - 9954 - 4854. Name - David

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If true, almost all of them are really good news: I'm happy for the 2 pads supported, not that much for the price.. i hope they end up with 350..

The fact that it's less powerful than the Xbox 8 is not really a surprise, for the technical things though, can somebody tell me if they're good or bad?

A 6ghz dev-kid: What does he mean? A 6ghz CPU? It sounds BS.

Now we need to define "less powerful"

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

IamAwsome said:

Same thread as before.

Some more translations just came in... Looking good so far, but I'm still wondering how much "less powerful" it is than Xbox 8, and the lack of triggers is dissapointing. 

But on the bright side, UNREAL ENGINE 4 CONFIRMED!  (maybe)

>Wii U has 2GB of RAM, 560MB of that are for the OS
>supports DX11, they managed to port Unreal Engine 4 on it
>less powerful than Xbox 8
>2 tablet-pads are supported
>Release Date: 23 November
>Ubisoft will bring Rayman Legends, ACIII, Rabbids Party, Killer Freaks, The Avengers and Just Dance 4 on it
>That little button under the D-Pad on the left of the controller is somehow linked to the Wii Vitality Sensor
>No Analog R2/L2 unlike 360 controller/DualShock3 

Unless the OS is windows, which I doubt because that would mean paying Microsoft (their competitor) money for each console sold, the system will not play any form of DirectX. Unreal engine also uses OpenGL so it is compatible with iOS and other OS's that use this API. (PS3, etc) So that shoots the creditablity of this person right off the bat.

The Wii U will probally use a custom version of OpenGL ES 3.0 since it is probally the biggest graphic API out right now. (Android, iOS, PS3, 3DS and the funny thing even Windows Mobile use this API).   (offical site) (lists support or major devices in the bottom of the article. The PS3 uses v1.0; 3DS uses v1.1)

So, according to the recent rumors, the Wii U is a very powerful machine.

I paid 400 for my PS3.  And I will pay another 400 if it is a true next-gen console.