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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Vgchartz Ranking Game -- Battlefield 3

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Did you like Battlefield 3

Yes 23 71.88%
No 5 15.63%
Maybe so 3 9.38%
Click here 1 3.13%
yo_john117 said:
Chroniczaaa said:
yo_john117 said:
Chroniczaaa said:

2. The larger the difference between your score and the score on metacritic; the more I expect you to explain yourself. 


Metacritic score -- 86

Because it is in no way shape or form the "true" Battlefield 2 sequel that EA marketing made everyone believe. It is an utter devolution of the battlefield franchise and a tragic console port. If you want an even more in depth explanation go ahead and reply again.

5 was too harsh and 6 was too generous so i decided upon 5.5.

Yeah I'd like to know more specific reasons as to why you think it's so bad.

Maps are too small for 64 players ( and most maps are a straight line,clustered flags, or just poorly designed leading to boring gameplay), no voice chat options on pc, many pc-centric features present in (2,2142) got scrapped, feels like a direct sequel to bc2 not bf3, destruction worse than in bc2, no ground deformation, hardcore mode sucks, vehicle and player health regeneration, co-op sucks, singleplayer sucks,( they shouldn't have even wasted time on a coop or singleplayer ) flying vehicle physics sucks, buggy and glitched as fuck, console port, no footstep sounds present in earlier frostbite bfs, art direction fails hard, sun is too bright with annoying lens flare- makes me think my soldier has film cameras for eyeballs, requires shitty origin spyware to even play the god damn game, feels like this game is geared towards COD fans and not true BF fans, not a complex or deep multiplayer at all.

Mediocrity at its finest.Not a true BF2 sequel, hell not even a better game than BC2. Shall i say more since obviously you think i'm a troll at this point.

5.5 it stands, deal with it.

"Defeating a sandwich, only makes it tastier." - Virginia

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My score: 9,5

Provided/provides some of the greatest graphics ever seen on the Xbox 360 and probably the most intensive online FPS experience. One slightly underestimated part is the sound that has been captured perfectly and makes it feel very real (here's what I'm talking about in case anyone cares).

The single player is what dragged the score down from a perfect ten as it featured several slow areas and some events that took a lot of retries to complete (Well, at least on "hard". Even the most experienced players know what I'm talking about.) and had rather few checkpoints. That's about all flaws I can think of though. The rest of the campaign was phenomenal both story- and gameplay-wise.

A definitive must-buy for all Call of Duty fans! (Trust me, you'll never look back :D

Chroniczaaa said:
yo_john117 said:
Chroniczaaa said:
yo_john117 said:
Chroniczaaa said:

2. The larger the difference between your score and the score on metacritic; the more I expect you to explain yourself. 


Metacritic score -- 86

Because it is in no way shape or form the "true" Battlefield 2 sequel that EA marketing made everyone believe. It is an utter devolution of the battlefield franchise and a tragic console port. If you want an even more in depth explanation go ahead and reply again.

5 was too harsh and 6 was too generous so i decided upon 5.5.

Yeah I'd like to know more specific reasons as to why you think it's so bad.

Maps are too small for 64 players ( and most maps are a straight line,clustered flags, or just poorly designed leading to boring gameplay), no voice chat options on pc, many pc-centric features present in (2,2142) got scrapped, feels like a direct sequel to bc2 not bf3, destruction worse than in bc2, no ground deformation, hardcore mode sucks, vehicle and player health regeneration, co-op sucks, singleplayer sucks,( they shouldn't have even wasted time on a coop or singleplayer ) flying vehicle physics sucks, buggy and glitched as fuck, console port, no footstep sounds present in earlier frostbite bfs, art direction fails hard, sun is too bright with annoying lens flare- makes me think my soldier has film cameras for eyeballs, requires shitty origin spyware to even play the god damn game, feels like this game is geared towards COD fans and not true BF fans, not a complex or deep multiplayer at all.

Mediocrity at its finest.Not a true BF2 sequel, hell not even a better game than BC2. Shall i say more since obviously you think i'm a troll at this point.

5.5 it stands, deal with it.

The rules are the rules, deal with it.

trasharmdsister12 said:
We need a few more reviews in order for this game to count in the official standings. I'm kind of surprised there are so few.

Well you keep doing games that came out somewhat recent or is not out in all regions, I would suggest only doing games that came out 6 months before the thread so Sept and before.

Former something....

Tagging this because I might not remember on the morrow

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playing it since release now which means i love that game (pc version)

i just played half of the singleplayer and it wasn't the greatest but graphice were great. but i bought it for mp and i love the mp even with many things i hate lol

overall score: 92%

boring campaign
to many hints of political correctness... got on my nerves.
no likable characters.
never really like battlefield multiplayer because too big of maps not enough players, so slow and boring

very good graphics

osamanobama said:
boring campaign
to many hints of political correctness... got on my nerves.
no likable characters.
never really like battlefield multiplayer because too big of maps not enough players, so slow and boring

very good graphics

do you mean for console? or not enough players for a game mode maybe no one plays on pc? i only play conquest large on pc (64 players) and i always find enough servers.

and i don't understand "slow and boring". if you don't take a spawn 5 kilometers away from the others there's the same action like in cod or so?

it's my first battlefield and i thought i won't like it but i really like it much more than cod (mp). fisrt time i took bad spawns and so on and flying was horrible but now it works at least acceptable lol

Played on PC

I don't like singleplayer, co-op, rush mode (which was the main mode in BC2), the Back to Karkand maps, hacker jets and suicide jets (which includes pretty much every jet).

I do like playing conquest with my friends in a server with an optimal player amount of 48 spraying with my PKP.


non-gravity said:
Played on PC

I don't like singleplayer, co-op, rush mode (which was the main mode in BC2), the Back to Karkand maps, hacker jets and suicide jets (which includes pretty much every jet).

I do like playing conquest with my friends in a server with an optimal player amount of 48 spraying with my PKP.


i swear i am one of them but accidentally! can't say how often i've rammed a heli because i was shooting on him and couldn't dodge him fast enough then lol