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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Pokemon Black/White 2 Announced?!

Isn't the DS right behind the PS2 as the best selling video game device? This will raise the sales even further!

Read my original story on Fictionpress (Shinigami Twin): 

As well as my other one (Hell's Punishment):

Nintendo Network ID: kingofe3

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Personally I don't get the complaining, as Pokemon game will most likely make it on the 3DS regardless. They most likely working on such title as we speak, but the company does need to release titles before the eventual 3DS pokemon game. However Nintendo will be very smart if they include a tease of 3DS pokemon within Pokemon B&C2 if you play it on the 3DS. 

(Given I am sucker for anything that reminds me of snes/gb era style of JRPG). 


hajime234 said:
I think it's because of that, 3DS profit, that Nintendo is not putting BW2 on 3DS, it'll boost to much 3ds sales, imagine how much loss they'll get XD since Nintendo expect only to start getting profit on any 3DS unit sold by the end of September


I don't quite understand. Any 3DS sold means eventual profit as you pretty much have to buy at least one software title (DS or 3DS) for it.

Yes, but this is the first time on Nintendo history, with any other console they allaways profited in both, Now on 3ds basically the software pays the 3DS loses but then who pays the software?!

NintendoPie said:
Pavolink said:
What's wrong with people buying DS to play Pokemon B/W2? Unlike 3DS, the DS make profits for Nintendo,

The 3DS still costs more, bringing in more money. It doesn't matter either which way, though. The better decision would have been to make it for 3DS.

Surely you don't believe that. This game will come to Japan in june. It would have taken at least one more year if they made this game for 3DS. This game, seeing as it will come out in June, has already been in development for quite a while and I guess these games are almost done. They will make other games for the 3DS.


Also, what you said makes no sense. It costs more so it brings in more money? It's not about how much it costs, but about how much Nintendo profits. Nintendo loses some money with each 3DS sold, but they make some money each time a DS gets sold.

Honestly speaking people are ignoring development time as well.


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hajime234 said:
hajime234 said:
I think it's because of that, 3DS profit, that Nintendo is not putting BW2 on 3DS, it'll boost to much 3ds sales, imagine how much loss they'll get XD since Nintendo expect only to start getting profit on any 3DS unit sold by the end of September


I don't quite understand. Any 3DS sold means eventual profit as you pretty much have to buy at least one software title (DS or 3DS) for it.

Yes, but this is the first time on Nintendo history, with any other console they allaways profited in both, Now on 3ds basically the software pays the 3DS loses but then who pays the software?!

Again, don't quite understand.

Let's say that one guy buys a DS for the next Pokémon game. How many titles aside from that game will he likely buy? Two others? Zero?

If he instead buys a 3DS he is much more likely to buy more software titles for it (again, DS and/or 3DS), meaning more profit for Nintendo.

trasharmdsister12 said:

NintendoPie said:

The thing is though that, like D/P, it would really raise the sales for the weeks following it's initial release date. It would also raise the 3DS's overall sales for the year. It is a win win situation that Nintendo decided not to take. By putting out a Pokemon Game for the 3DS they get more money, then the 3DS' owners are happy because they have something to play over the Summer. Nintendo is either too lazy or they are blind to see the advantages of putting it on the 3DS.

Generating more revenue does not necessarily mean more profit for Nintendo. You have to remember the cost to manufacture all those 3DS eating a big chunk of the revenue that Nintendo gets from each sale. In other words, 1 sale of a 3DS at $160 plus a $40 Pokemon game (= $200) does not make Nintendo the same amount of money as 5 x $40 games on the DS. 5 x $40 (= $200) games net Nintendo more money. And considering the DS install base is ~9-10x that of the 3DS install base I'm sure Nintendo is well aware of taking advantage of this fact.

Furthermore a 3DS focused project would surely cost more money to produce given fans expecting something more akin to Pokedex 3D than what is there in Black/White. Releasing a higher cost game to a lower yield initial base is nonsensicle. It has become increasingly more important for publishers to earn as much money as they possibly can from the launch of a title in fear of losing out sales to the used sales market. Nintendo launching this title on the largest active device base in the gaming industry is not by mistake.

Finally, all of the supposed boost of a 3DS exclusive Pokemon title can (and will) still happen when the title finally does make its appearance down the road. And at that time the 3DS will also be cheaper to manufacture, possibly making Nintendo even more money in the long run (this depends on their price-cutting strategy). Be sure that Nintendo isn't looking at the short-term gain here, regardless of whether or not they should be.

We also have no idea what these enhancements for the 3DS could be. Maybe they'll entice us with enhanced 3D sprites/environments/effects? Maybe it will have some special connectivity for all of us to share online? Perhaps it'll come with some augmented reality features or integrate into other apps? There's still plenty of room to make it enticing for people to want to upgrade up to the 3DS to play this game.

Exactly. Releasing the next Pokemon mainline game in an unprofitable handheld with low userbase will be a wasted opportunity. As many others has mentioned, time and costs for development will be higher for the 3DS pokemon.

Wii and DS sales which means profit for Nintendo are declining pretty fast, while the hardware that generates losses is selling massive. Lets not forget the R&D costs for the unfinished Wii U and the expensive HD software development.

3DS will have more than enough software to push sales with 2D Mario, TC, AC, LM2, KI:U and 3rd party games, maybe MH4 or a new DQ  game. Let's wait for the new 3ds pokemon on another fiscal year.

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trasharmdsister12 said:

NintendoPie said:

The thing is though that, like D/P, it would really raise the sales for the weeks following it's initial release date. It would also raise the 3DS's overall sales for the year. It is a win win situation that Nintendo decided not to take. By putting out a Pokemon Game for the 3DS they get more money, then the 3DS' owners are happy because they have something to play over the Summer. Nintendo is either too lazy or they are blind to see the advantages of putting it on the 3DS.

We also have no idea what these enhancements for the 3DS could be. Maybe they'll entice us with enhanced 3D sprites/environments/effects? Maybe it will have some special connectivity for all of us to share online? Perhaps it'll come with some augmented reality features or integrate into other apps? There's still plenty of room to make it enticing for people to want to upgrade up to the 3DS to play this game.

The "enhancements" better be good or else that is a poor excuse to slap the 3DS title on it. DS look horrible on the 3DS, they are way to blurry and the colors look washed out. I don't care if you can make it smaller to enhance the game, it is still too small. Nintendo needs these enhancements to be good or else they will be attracting the attention back to the last generation, which is my main reason why this is a stupid decision. During the Holiday the 3DS will do good, of course, but parents seeing that their child wants the new Pokemon and their child is yet to own a DS Family System the parents will automatically chose the cheapest option. Nintendo is kind of ruining their 3DS's Holiday Season by doing this. True, if they release the New Super Mario Bros. 3DS game it will most likely equal out (or give more attention to) the 3DS. Since they have gone with this B/W 2 for DS option they now need an equally enticing 3DS title.

This is fine that it isn't for the 3DS. I can wait for Yellow 3DS.

Ask stefl1504 for a sig, even if you don't need one.

Wow. This is the worst announcement for a Pokemon game of all time.

.I really liked the look of Kyurem and now they have dressed it in Zekrom and Reshiram features.
.Adding 2 to the end of the name is very unoriginal, surely it will take a completely new name (such as Ebony and Ivory).
.Everyone excepted a release of Pokemon Black/White on the DS, however it's sequels should take the jump to 3DS.

Anyone just want a Pokemon Rainbow with a world as vast as Skyrim?