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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 38 - Portal Theme


Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom! 

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WoW! radish such an awful thing to do. The site went haywire and you never give chance FF to defend himself kinda awful. The townies in here sucks that's all

Nice going scums you win!!!!

I prepared a lot of big post when the site went hay wire I am gonna post just for the sake of it because this is a win for the mafia now.



I took I time off so I can organize my thoughts. My post is becoming a big mess because of my unorganize thoughts and can't express my post very well. 

It's kinda ironic that if I stop posting the discussions will die out. I remember when I had a conversation with Stefl about not wanting to vote either Linkz/Prof because if one of them gone then day 3 will suffer from less post counts. Yeah, It's really ironic.

I told you it's a bad logic just answer me from the dead thread. On what your thoughts now. lololol!


Anyway, I tried to open up a discussion and posted any possiblities so we can hear their defense or If they are going to ignored it or to summarize to see their reactions and responses.

And the only thing I got is: I am the scum from all of you???

I expected to be suspected but not like this. All of you are close minded and meta gamers. It's really frustrating. (I am talking about the awesome townies in here.). It's really frustrating when players in here meta gaming the players and the flavor here.

Prof.= FF/Noc

Linkz= Noc or Noc/FF

Wonk= FF/Noc

FF= Noc/prof

Rad= Noc/prof


The townies in here are falling for the trap of the scums in here. >_>

Atleast give me a reason on why are you guys suspecting me. I am looking at you rad.

Come on!! convince the other guys on why you guys think I am scum. I atleast owe an explanation. Discuss it. Discuss!!  And yes, I also took a time off because of that because it's frustrating when townies in here can't see what I am trying to do and just focus on the bad and not the good. 


@ Rad

Please think before you vote and we are still waiting for your insights in this thread. You are not contributing at all. 



I'll post it later on, be patient.


Anyway, You said that you don't want to talk about Wonk because he is a townie and I am not narrowing down my suspects because I am opening up every possibilities? I wholeheartedly disagree on that. In my perspective if you are a town unless you are a SCUM. You want everybody to talk and you will post every possiblities to see their reactions and you will narrow it down from there. Am I right?

And also you  can't just tell me that you don't want a discussion about wonk because you just think he is a town. How can you prove it to me or the other townies in here that he is a town. If Wonk will be sidelined. What IF he is the scum??

The same goes for the others aswell. Why are guys so convince that Linkz is a town?? because of what exactly?? 

My original top 3 was

FF, Prof and you (in no particular order).

When I saw their reactions or responses to me. (in order)

  1. Linkz

  2. Prof

  3. FF

But now my Top 3 (in no particular order)

  1. Prof

  2. wonks

  3. Linkz



  • Firstly, There are 3 guy that pinning FF and me as a scum.

    Wonk, Prof and Linkz.


  • Secondly, two of these guys are involved in stefl convo and 2 of them voted for baalz.


  • Thirdly, these 3 was also involved in lynching moreno.


I am now convinced that 2 of these 3 guys are scum. I already hit it when I think 1 or 2 out of the 3 that was involved in Stefl and Baalz are scums.


Why would a scum buddy would try to vote for FF or even put FF on the spotlight by putting him on their suspect list and sacrifice him if they could just ended it by voting me?


I am Turret: Town Watcher/Reporter. There's no point in not claiming anymore. I think the the scums already have an idea what role I have and by not voting me I am convince that scums in here are trying to look for a doc.

Scums want to lynch a doc more than me(town-watcher/reporter). If there's doc/jailkeeper then there's a chance the kill will be block.


You see why I tried to tell you guys not to meta? Someone mention here that Turrets is 100% scum.

If you look closely Cave Johnson is a Town Vanilla only. Linkz try to meta the flavor and didn't believe Baalz. My frustration is a lot of you guys love to do meta gaming. Why can't you guys just think outside of the box for a second. That's why my insistent that Chell & cube could be valid because you guys won't expect that for meta reasons. I am trying to convince you guys not to meta. That's one of the reason I am hestitant to claim. There's no point in claiming if no one will believe me for meta reason. This is my last resort because I would rather live the day and hope to survive the night without claiming so I won't be a potential target but the scum in here leave me no choice but to claim.


VOTE: No-lynch

Linkz you become my no. 1 because I am Town watcher/reporter when Wonk ask us who should we voting.

  1. <link>

  2. <Link>

  3. <link>

  4. <Link>


Linkz if you are town then you sure is messed up for continuously asking and bringing up this one.

So if you going to counter by telling me: “what will you gain from it by framing me as watcher” then my answer to you is that a scum will gain a lot from it. You are not exactly fishing for my role but rather you are fishing for an info. A scum doesn't need me to claim but just to hint it. I tried to lure you in by saying you are confused. If you just said yes then my suspect list will be down to 2 that is Prof and Wonk. But since you answered no then it's obvious what you are trying do here if you are the scum.



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If I am a townie next round I really don't want to be ended with the same townies in here. You guys are all awful townies.

Linkzmax said:
If FF is town, I hope there's luck tonight.
If FF is scum, right now I'm thinking 63/28/9% of Noctis/prof/Wonk being scum. If I'm still around I'm going to push prof and Wonk more to be more certain about it. If I'm not around you won't hear me, but I'll be shouting to lynch Noctis from the dead thread.

Why would wonk or sacrifice FF when they can just vote for me when all of you are suspecting me as scum???

It's your fault aswell because you shouldn't have voted when the site went up. You should have waited when all people have posted in here. >_>
If you are a townie that is.

Sorry for bringing up stefl again but I think this is one of the key in capturing scum.

I have come up with two theories on why Stefl was killed.

He said he was roleblock. There's 2 possible scenario. A jail Keeper and a mafia blocker that blocked him.

Mafia blocker- If stefl was blocked by this they could just block other guys other than stefl and kill him.

Jailkeeper- this one is the trickiest part so if there is one then the scums gambled on killing stefl thinking he is a cop or watcher.

Prof - as I have said I can take off the feeling he's rolefishing when he qouted me. Instead of qouting Stefl and ask him directly. He qouted me and ask why I visited stefl.
So I answered him . He didn't continue with this debate any longer and shifted the focus to Stefl.
I theorize 2 possible scenarios on why he didn't.

Prof town= He doesn't want to pursue this any longer because maybe he thinks I am power role so when he replied to me, He is asking now what Stefl meant by his post so if Stefl claim watcher/Tracker. He either expects a counter claim from me and maybe start lynch train for Stefl or me.

Prof Scum= In my perspective if he is scum. Asking me if I visited stefl last night instead of focusing the question to Stefl is like hitting 2 birds with one stone. I think he was caught off by guard by my answer. If he pursue this definitely he will grab attention and scum don't want that. I also think he was caught off guard by the answer of Stefl that he was roleblocked.

I am still leaning of prof scum. Why would he even do it? It doesn't make sense if you are a town.
Care to explain theprof???

Where is truck just end this. >_>