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that's just it, the technicals say that if the stock gets momentum going up it's probably gonna go all the way to where it was when it dropped off a cliff there. Only thing that's gonna stop it is bad financials or bad sales. I think this is one of the safest bets you can make right now, whether the people here who bought it want to hold it after the holiday season or into earnings is up to them. The problem with Nintendo stock is gonna be if it goes down, it's gonna go way down, and way down way fast. I think just on hype alone we will get 20.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

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johnsobas said:
that's just it, the technicals say that if the stock gets momentum going up it's probably gonna go all the way to where it was when it dropped off a cliff there. Only thing that's gonna stop it is bad financials or bad sales. I think this is one of the safest bets you can make right now, whether the people here who bought it want to hold it after the holiday season or into earnings is up to them. The problem with Nintendo stock is gonna be if it goes down, it's gonna go way down, and way down way fast. I think just on hype alone we will get 20.

Oh for sure, by launch we will see the share price eclipsing the 20.00$. There will most likely be some support and short selling in the area as well; however if good news comes by, Wii U sells-out within minutes, Nintendo making profit out of it and so on, the stock will go up drastically. Furthermore, the cash Nintendo has aside covers at 13$ per share so seriously, I aint scared. I am bullish on this stock. Get on the NTDOY stock hype train people lol. What are your positions in other equities? I sold my spanish stock, made profit now looking to buy some other stocks and locking some gains, what do you suggest%

looks like the market is going up again tomorrow. All of the stocks i've been following as possible buys have all been bid up past attractive entry levels. The S&P 500's PE is overvalued right now, correction coming soon.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

i dunno, Nintendo is probably the best stock i know of right now, granted i don't follow every stock out there but i don't like the valuations of most of the stocks i'm looking at right now. I would love to get myself some more oil stocks but they are so overvalued right now.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

johnsobas said:
i dunno, Nintendo is probably the best stock i know of right now, granted i don't follow every stock out there but i don't like the valuations of most of the stocks i'm looking at right now. I would love to get myself some more oil stocks but they are so overvalued right now.

Big banks are still undervalued but the price of the stock swings heavilly each time something happens in the euro zone...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

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Sold NTDOY positions at 15.96 this morning. Locked 600$ profit, looking to get back in around lower 15.00

Well people, it looks like THQI is showing no signs of slowing down. It is yet again at a record low of 3.48 after dropping nearly 6% today.

Might just be time to abandon ship.

nintendo stock rips through 200 dma, gonna be tough to stop now.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

Yup :) Glad I bought my position back at 15.40$ for NTDOY :D Maybe It will go to 18.00$ by tomorrow. There will be support in that area until the release of the Wii U and then up we go...hopefully lol

NTDOY climbing up from a 6month slump

About 6 months ago, back in early April, the Nintendo american stock was marked at 19$ a share, this year's high. As of that point, the stock began slowly slipping down, despite new interest in the 3DS XL and smash hit series release NSMB2. Reaching its lowest point since July 2005, the stock was down at 13$ a share sometime in end of July this year.

However, the turning point to this downward trend in the stock was on Sept 11th, the day Nintendo held its conference on the WiiU, and laid out the launch details. Today, the stock is marked at 17.50 after a few high consecutive boosts, it would seem like the slump was overcome. It all points to a promising run for the the stock over the next generation.

Stay tuned.