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NTDOY climbing up from a 6month slump

About 6 months ago, back in early April, the Nintendo american stock was marked at 19$ a share, this year's high. As of that point, the stock began slowly slipping down, despite new interest in the 3DS XL and smash hit series release NSMB2. Reaching its lowest point since July 2005, the stock was down at 13$ a share sometime in end of July this year.

However, the turning point to this downward trend in the stock was on Sept 11th, the day Nintendo held its conference on the WiiU, and laid out the launch details. Today, the stock is marked at 17.50 after a few high consecutive boosts, it would seem like the slump was overcome. It all points to a promising run for the the stock over the next generation.

Stay tuned.