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Forums - Sales Discussion - VGStockz: General Questions

Ail said:

I would be cautious about thinking Nintendo is going to go up because of the announcement.
The main reason stocks have been up this week is QE3 , not any WiiU price announcement...
I mean it would be really hard for anyone owning stocks to actually manage to be down this week...
The challenge is to keep doing this over much longer period...
That being said the market has been up too much this year and I fear a correction coming ( my portfollio is up 17% this year and it's really diversified , including 20% bonds holding...)

On the gaming front, as I had hoped TTWO has almost erased most of its earlier losses..

1 more weeks and part of my Apple position becomes long and I can take some profit off the table while minimizing my taxes ( Apple is up 74% since I purchased it, Im planning to sell some at 700$).



And I hate to pile on what's been said higher in this thread but you don't play on the stock market with money you're going to need in the next 6 months, all the money in my portfollio is money i won't need in the next 20 years ( meaning not till I retire).

What's QE3? (Noob question) If it's an American thing, the japanese stock of Nintendo went up 7% too.

@your last point, I'm learning the hard way :P

Around the Network
Ail said:

I would be cautious about thinking Nintendo is going to go up because of the announcement.
The main reason stocks have been up this week is QE3 , not any WiiU price announcement...
I mean it would be really hard for anyone owning stocks to actually manage to be down this week...
The challenge is to keep doing this over much longer period...
That being said the market has been up too much this year and I fear a correction coming ( my portfollio is up 17% this year and it's really diversified , including 20% bonds holding...)

On the gaming front, as I had hoped TTWO has almost erased most of its earlier losses..

1 more weeks and part of my Apple position becomes long and I can take some profit off the table while minimizing my taxes ( Apple is up 74% since I purchased it, Im planning to sell some at 700$).



And I hate to pile on what's been said higher in this thread but you don't play on the stock market with money you're going to need in the next 6 months, all the money in my portfollio is money i won't need in the next 20 years ( meaning not till I retire).

QE3 did boost almost every stock possible. The market is up by ALOT! The DOW passing the 2007 level is just crazy. Selling rally coming right up. I'm currently planning on selling my shares of BBVA and SAN today. Just waiting for the 8.85 for BBVA and 8.30 for SAN lol (Up 47% on both positions). Well I think Nintendo is a wise investment, up almost 8% in my NTDOY shares and they were really at the bottom of the bottom, could not go further down honestly. They got lots of cash at hand and will shoot up to 20 by years-end most definetely. Its a blind buy.

happydolphin said:
Ail said:

I would be cautious about thinking Nintendo is going to go up because of the announcement.
The main reason stocks have been up this week is QE3 , not any WiiU price announcement...
I mean it would be really hard for anyone owning stocks to actually manage to be down this week...
The challenge is to keep doing this over much longer period...
That being said the market has been up too much this year and I fear a correction coming ( my portfollio is up 17% this year and it's really diversified , including 20% bonds holding...)

On the gaming front, as I had hoped TTWO has almost erased most of its earlier losses..

1 more weeks and part of my Apple position becomes long and I can take some profit off the table while minimizing my taxes ( Apple is up 74% since I purchased it, Im planning to sell some at 700$).



And I hate to pile on what's been said higher in this thread but you don't play on the stock market with money you're going to need in the next 6 months, all the money in my portfollio is money i won't need in the next 20 years ( meaning not till I retire).

What's QE3? (Noob question) If it's an American thing, the japanese stock of Nintendo went up 7% too.

@your last point, I'm learning the hard way :P

QE3 is the new round of stimulus anounced by the the Feds, it has heavilly boosted the stocks market worldwide these last two days..


I'm waiting on 700$ for Apple and that's about it ( S is up 122% since I purchased but not ready to sell yet). Question right now is what to reinvest in...

Right now I own AAPL, BAC, GE, GOOG, MSFT, NVDA, S and TTWO and a bunch of stock and bonds funds...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Ail said:

QE3 is the new round of stimulus anounced by the the Feds, it has heavilly boosted the stocks market worldwide these last two days..


I'm waiting on 700$ for Apple and that's about it ( S is up 122% since I purchased but not ready to sell yet). Question right now is what to reinvest in...

Right now I own AAPL, BAC, GE, GOOG, MSFT, NVDA, S and TTWO and a bunch of stock and bonds funds...

All the japanese game companies went up then down today, Nintendo's is still going up. I disagree Ail, you're partially right, but Nintendo's stock is going up regardless.


TTWO seems in good shape. NVDA is a sure win I think. S is Sony?

happydolphin said:
Ail said:

QE3 is the new round of stimulus anounced by the the Feds, it has heavilly boosted the stocks market worldwide these last two days..


I'm waiting on 700$ for Apple and that's about it ( S is up 122% since I purchased but not ready to sell yet). Question right now is what to reinvest in...

Right now I own AAPL, BAC, GE, GOOG, MSFT, NVDA, S and TTWO and a bunch of stock and bonds funds...

All the japanese game companies went up then down today, Nintendo's is still going up. I disagree Ail, you're partially right, but Nintendo's stock is going up regardless.


TTWO seems in good shape. NVDA is a sure win I think. S is Sony?

S is Sprint. My best pick of the year ( of the decade I should say lol).

TTWO, NVDA and MSFT are actually my 3 worse picks, they are all flat since I purchased them, whereas every other stock is heavilly up, Although I have to temper this for NVDA as I made a nice profit earlier in the year selling half my position...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Around the Network
Ail said:

S is Sprint. My best pick of the year ( of the decade I should say lol).

TTWO, NVDA and MSFT are actually my 3 worse picks, they are all flat since I purchased them, whereas every other stock is heavilly up, Although I have to temper this for NVDA as I made a nice profit earlier in the year selling half my position...

Oh, I understand that TTWO was not in best shape lately, but I meant it's in good shape to go up.

happydolphin said:
Ail said:

S is Sprint. My best pick of the year ( of the decade I should say lol).

TTWO, NVDA and MSFT are actually my 3 worse picks, they are all flat since I purchased them, whereas every other stock is heavilly up, Although I have to temper this for NVDA as I made a nice profit earlier in the year selling half my position...

Oh, I understand that TTWO was not in best shape lately, but I meant it's in good shape to go up.

It's a HOLD for me, I don't think any gaming stock is going to outperform the market in the next year, TTWO has a shot with GTA5 but it might only be temporary....

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

My big issue with gaming stocks too is that it is very hard to predict their long terms evolution and most of my investments are long term, I don't buy stocks with the aim to sell them within the next 6 months...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Ail, I noticed a cycle in the trends of almost all game makers, around 1 to 2 years after the release of the home consoles. Check the 2nd or 3rd post of the thread, it should be clear and help you trace a roadmap.

I lost on Nintendo because I bet too soon and I was paying interest. A little better play and this is a certified money-maker. The same can be said for TTWO and THQI, EA, Ubi, etc.

happydolphin said:
Ail, I noticed a cycle in the trends of almost all game makers, around 1 to 2 years after the release of the home consoles. Check the 2nd or 3rd post of the thread, it should be clear and help you trace a roadmap.

I lost on Nintendo because I bet too soon and I was paying interest. A little better play and this is a certified money-maker. The same can be said for TTWO and THQI, EA, Ubi, etc.

Nintendo stocks works as cycles as seen with the Wii - Momemtum and hype drives the stock to its highest levels then once the momemtum fades, the stock follows. I will be in that cycle locking my profits - long term NTDOY for 1-2 years. Ubisoft not so sure, maybe short term until AC3 comes out, then sell. Gaming stocks are a gamble as if they do not release high profile franchises, their stock and revenue suffer.