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happydolphin said:
Ail, I noticed a cycle in the trends of almost all game makers, around 1 to 2 years after the release of the home consoles. Check the 2nd or 3rd post of the thread, it should be clear and help you trace a roadmap.

I lost on Nintendo because I bet too soon and I was paying interest. A little better play and this is a certified money-maker. The same can be said for TTWO and THQI, EA, Ubi, etc.

Nintendo stocks works as cycles as seen with the Wii - Momemtum and hype drives the stock to its highest levels then once the momemtum fades, the stock follows. I will be in that cycle locking my profits - long term NTDOY for 1-2 years. Ubisoft not so sure, maybe short term until AC3 comes out, then sell. Gaming stocks are a gamble as if they do not release high profile franchises, their stock and revenue suffer.