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Forums - Sales Discussion - VGStockz: General Questions

johnsobas said:
congrats to those who bought the nintendo stock, i was really thinking about it but went with Canon instead. Canon just happens to be up about the same amount. I have most of my money in gold and gold stocks and some other stuff. Made a lot of money lately but i think it would have been difficult to lose money over the last few weeks.

I was about to invest in Canon too but chickened out. For real, the market has been rallying like crazy these past two weeks. It's almost too good to be true. Had bought Santander and BBVA shares earlier during the Spain debt crisis and they almost doubled their value in an amount of less than 2 months. Dunno if I should sell them tmrw? :s

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johnsobas said:
happydolphin said:
wfz said:

You had to sell stock to pay rent? Damn man give yourself more breathing room with your money! :P

Lol, and that was taken from a margin of credit. What a stupid decision, I bet too soon. I saw NIntendo stock explode for the WiiU, but I bet it 4 months too early. :S

why are you buying stocks on credit?  You better be careful, that's a recipe for disaster.

I'm an aggressive buyer, but this really cost me.

happydolphin said:
johnsobas said:
happydolphin said:
wfz said:

You had to sell stock to pay rent? Damn man give yourself more breathing room with your money! :P

Lol, and that was taken from a margin of credit. What a stupid decision, I bet too soon. I saw NIntendo stock explode for the WiiU, but I bet it 4 months too early. :S

why are you buying stocks on credit?  You better be careful, that's a recipe for disaster.

I'm an aggressive buyer, but this really cost me.

You thinking of buying more shares of NTDOY? And what was your entry point as you said ''this really cost me?'' :s

Vinniegambini said:


I'm an aggressive buyer, but this really cost me.

You thinking of buying more shares of NTDOY? And what was your entry point as you said ''this really cost me?'' :s

It cost me in credit. My stock money basically evaporated over trading, stocks in apple going down right when I invested, and THQ stock not taking off even with Darksiders and the whole restructuring. I expected the industry as a whole to have an upswing, but perhaps I was a year in too soon.

Vinniegambini said:
johnsobas said:
congrats to those who bought the nintendo stock, i was really thinking about it but went with Canon instead. Canon just happens to be up about the same amount. I have most of my money in gold and gold stocks and some other stuff. Made a lot of money lately but i think it would have been difficult to lose money over the last few weeks.

I was about to invest in Canon too but chickened out. For real, the market has been rallying like crazy these past two weeks. It's almost too good to be true. Had bought Santander and BBVA shares earlier during the Spain debt crisis and they almost doubled their value in an amount of less than 2 months. Dunno if I should sell them tmrw? :s

I would sell, those yields are nice but i can't imagine wanting to hold those stocks long enough to collect them.  That was a brave move buying spanish bank stocks but I think you're playing with fire buying any banking stocks.  The announcement of the bond buying plan might be the peak for these stocks, when people find out how bad things are gonna while trying to obtain these bailout funds i think it's gonna be bad.  With that said there could be some more upside in the short term, especially with the Euro breaking out over $1.3, i think we're in for a short term breakout upside.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

Around the Network
johnsobas said:
Vinniegambini said:
johnsobas said:
congrats to those who bought the nintendo stock, i was really thinking about it but went with Canon instead. Canon just happens to be up about the same amount. I have most of my money in gold and gold stocks and some other stuff. Made a lot of money lately but i think it would have been difficult to lose money over the last few weeks.

I was about to invest in Canon too but chickened out. For real, the market has been rallying like crazy these past two weeks. It's almost too good to be true. Had bought Santander and BBVA shares earlier during the Spain debt crisis and they almost doubled their value in an amount of less than 2 months. Dunno if I should sell them tmrw? :s

I would sell, those yields are nice but i can't imagine wanting to hold those stocks long enough to collect them.  That was a brave move buying spanish bank stocks but I think you're playing with fire buying any banking stocks.  The announcement of the bond buying plan might be the peak for these stocks, when people find out how bad things are gonna while trying to obtain these bailout funds i think it's gonna be bad.  With that said there could be some more upside in the short term, especially with the Euro breaking out over $1.3, i think we're in for a short term breakout upside.

It was a risky move I did but both Santander and BBVA are well positioned worlwide so I thought it was well worth the shot. Both stocks are coming to their 2012 highs so I'm gona sell very soon, most likely tomorrow as Europe stocks were not open when the Fed made the announcement today. Will make significant returns :) wooot! Now I'm in Nintendo at 14.40$ a share, invested about 5700$ in them. Should see double their value hopefully by years-end or sell when it reaches the 20.00$. What are your positions?

happydolphin said:
Vinniegambini said:


I'm an aggressive buyer, but this really cost me.

You thinking of buying more shares of NTDOY? And what was your entry point as you said ''this really cost me?'' :s

It cost me in credit. My stock money basically evaporated over trading, stocks in apple going down right when I invested, and THQ stock not taking off even with Darksiders and the whole restructuring. I expected the industry as a whole to have an upswing, but perhaps I was a year in too soon.

Damn :( I feel ya. I was thinking about taking a small position in THQ but with all the drama with its cancelled projects, layoffs, and investors suing them, I chickened. But I think THQ will get purchased just like Eidos did with Square Enix. I think that's their best option. But Apple stock have been going up since the unveiling of the new Iphone, shouldn't you be up?

Vinniegambini said:
johnsobas said:
Vinniegambini said:
johnsobas said:
congrats to those who bought the nintendo stock, i was really thinking about it but went with Canon instead. Canon just happens to be up about the same amount. I have most of my money in gold and gold stocks and some other stuff. Made a lot of money lately but i think it would have been difficult to lose money over the last few weeks.

I was about to invest in Canon too but chickened out. For real, the market has been rallying like crazy these past two weeks. It's almost too good to be true. Had bought Santander and BBVA shares earlier during the Spain debt crisis and they almost doubled their value in an amount of less than 2 months. Dunno if I should sell them tmrw? :s

I would sell, those yields are nice but i can't imagine wanting to hold those stocks long enough to collect them.  That was a brave move buying spanish bank stocks but I think you're playing with fire buying any banking stocks.  The announcement of the bond buying plan might be the peak for these stocks, when people find out how bad things are gonna while trying to obtain these bailout funds i think it's gonna be bad.  With that said there could be some more upside in the short term, especially with the Euro breaking out over $1.3, i think we're in for a short term breakout upside.

It was a risky move I did but both Santander and BBVA are well positioned worlwide so I thought it was well worth the shot. Both stocks are coming to their 2012 highs so I'm gona sell very soon, most likely tomorrow as Europe stocks were not open when the Fed made the announcement today. Will make significant returns :) wooot! Now I'm in Nintendo at 14.40$ a share, invested about 5700$ in them. Should see double their value hopefully by years-end or sell when it reaches the 20.00$. What are your positions?

my portfolio right now is abx, caj, cvx, fcx, gg, mos, nem, and wmt.  Been doing quite well and QE3 has really bolstered my portfolio.  Right now it's hard to find stocks that are at attractive levels but Nintendo is still quite low, i'm also looking at arcos dorados.  I chickened out and didn't get CLF or VALE last week now i feel like a moron.  Catching the falling knife can be a scary game.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

ah what the hell i might as well dive in and get some nintendo stock tomorrow. I'm pretty confident that Nintendo is gonna have a massive holiday season.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

I would be cautious about thinking Nintendo is going to go up because of the announcement.
The main reason stocks have been up this week is QE3 , not any WiiU price announcement...
I mean it would be really hard for anyone owning stocks to actually manage to be down this week...
The challenge is to keep doing this over much longer period...
That being said the market has been up too much this year and I fear a correction coming ( my portfollio is up 17% this year and it's really diversified , including 20% bonds holding...)

On the gaming front, as I had hoped TTWO has almost erased most of its earlier losses..

1 more weeks and part of my Apple position becomes long and I can take some profit off the table while minimizing my taxes ( Apple is up 74% since I purchased it, Im planning to sell some at 700$).



And I hate to pile on what's been said higher in this thread but you don't play on the stock market with money you're going to need in the next 6 months, all the money in my portfollio is money i won't need in the next 20 years ( meaning not till I retire).

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !