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happydolphin said:
Vinniegambini said:


I'm an aggressive buyer, but this really cost me.

You thinking of buying more shares of NTDOY? And what was your entry point as you said ''this really cost me?'' :s

It cost me in credit. My stock money basically evaporated over trading, stocks in apple going down right when I invested, and THQ stock not taking off even with Darksiders and the whole restructuring. I expected the industry as a whole to have an upswing, but perhaps I was a year in too soon.

Damn :( I feel ya. I was thinking about taking a small position in THQ but with all the drama with its cancelled projects, layoffs, and investors suing them, I chickened. But I think THQ will get purchased just like Eidos did with Square Enix. I think that's their best option. But Apple stock have been going up since the unveiling of the new Iphone, shouldn't you be up?