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Forums - Music Discussion - *Edit* Listen to me sing Bon Jovi's Bed of Roses and Never Say Goodbye





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you have a good voice, just a little rough around the edges, take some singing lessons but make sure to keep the style and not change for the teacher.

well done :)

PlaystaionGamer said:
you have a good voice, just a little rough around the edges, take some singing lessons but make sure to keep the style and not change for the teacher.

well done :)

thanks :) well i was born with that gruff kinda voice. i realize i do need to work on those high notes, but honestly, can anyone on this planet actually hit them the same way that jon used to be able to? i mean, when he sings the song nowadays, he just does it acoustic style coz he can't do it anymore.

bugrimmar said:
PlaystaionGamer said:
you have a good voice, just a little rough around the edges, take some singing lessons but make sure to keep the style and not change for the teacher.

well done :)

thanks :) well i was born with that gruff kinda voice. i realize i do need to work on those high notes, but honestly, can anyone on this planet actually hit them the same way that jon used to be able to? i mean, when he sings the song nowadays, he just does it acoustic style coz he can't do it anymore.

true, i think you do actually have a great voice. just a little work needs to be done but its very good. start performing at bars maybe on the side and maybe your time will come :D

PlaystaionGamer said:
bugrimmar said:
PlaystaionGamer said:
you have a good voice, just a little rough around the edges, take some singing lessons but make sure to keep the style and not change for the teacher.

well done :)

thanks :) well i was born with that gruff kinda voice. i realize i do need to work on those high notes, but honestly, can anyone on this planet actually hit them the same way that jon used to be able to? i mean, when he sings the song nowadays, he just does it acoustic style coz he can't do it anymore.

true, i think you do actually have a great voice. just a little work needs to be done but its very good. start performing at bars maybe on the side and maybe your time will come :D

i already do that sometimes. around here, everyone loves bon jovi

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not a great voice but after seeing the grammy's tonight you could have sung there and wouldn't be the worst^^

crissindahouse said:

not a great voice but after seeing the grammy's tonight you could have sung there and wouldn't be the worst^^

LOL they where so bad, Katy Perry, Rihanna and Nicki Minaj are such a joke, there like knock off Gaga's running around. 

I have to give you credit for having the guts to post this.

You did your best.

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

PlaystaionGamer said:
crissindahouse said:

not a great voice but after seeing the grammy's tonight you could have sung there and wouldn't be the worst^^

LOL they where so bad, Katy Perry, Rihanna and Nicki Minaj are such a joke, there like knock off Gaga's running around.

here in germany we don't know (at least me) this minaj girl and i saw her the first time. i swear as i saw her i thought she's copying lady gaga like hell. her whole show looked like a lady gaga performance and she is a rapper isn't she?

the biggest joke was chris brown he did not even have the balls to sing live. 

crissindahouse said:
PlaystaionGamer said:
crissindahouse said:

not a great voice but after seeing the grammy's tonight you could have sung there and wouldn't be the worst^^

LOL they where so bad, Katy Perry, Rihanna and Nicki Minaj are such a joke, there like knock off Gaga's running around.

here in germany we don't know (at least me) this minaj girl and i saw her the first time. i swear as i saw her i thought she's copying lady gaga like hell. her whole show looked like a lady gaga performance and she is a rapper isn't she?

the biggest joke was chris brown he did not even have the balls to sing live. 

aha yeh thats pretty much it, she is a manafactured raper who the studio makes dress like Lady Gaga from back in 'The Fame era' 3 years ago. its very weird. she is compleatly shit.

Chris Brown never sings live, i dont think he can actually sing