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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Final Fantasy XIII-2 gets 5.4 on Gamrreview - how is that possible?

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Torillian said:
MonstaMack said:
Seems like a justified review. Hard to critic it at all.

Seems like the score was deserved, or at least to him and he justified it well. Hope the score stands and is not taken down because certain Final Fantasy fans are mad bro.

unlikely, I can't think of an instance where that happened.

There was one Spiral Knights and the orignal score is still there when your search for it on the DB. 

Former something....

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Khuutra said:
theprof00 said:
Khuutra said:
theprof00 said:
Khuutra said:
Wagram said:
If you're complaining that JRPGs have too many cutscenes, you are playing the wrong genre.

Nonsense. Plenty of JRPGs communicate their stories without embarrassments of cutscenes. The biggest JRPG franchise in the world manages to pull it off with relatively few cutscenes.

ff has had lots of cutscenes, since 8.

FF hasn't been the biggest JRPG franchise in fifteen years

sorry, i know that looked like my point but ff is ff. ff has cutscenes, that's what the fans like. Don't know a game for cutscenes when fans like them.

You're the one who brought FF into a genre discussion; if you want to bring up FF in particular, that would require its own conversation. You are barking up the wrong tree, go bark up another.

apologies, i thought we were referring to ff as that is what the thread is about.

Im playing the game right now, to put it simply its excelent. I dont get reviewers realy, this game is a very enjoyable JRPG. Forget the score and all that crap, this game si getting a lot of reviewer hate due to the bad rep FF XIII has and because this is the generation to hate on Square enix regardless of what they do, play the game its worth it.

2 Reasons;

Firstly because GamerReview does not do the stupid thing where a 9 is an average, a 9.9 is good and anything below 8 is terrible.
Secondly, because it is apparently nowhere near as good as it was hyped up to be on VGChartz forums, which happens to be the fate of pretty much all big PS3 games.

Well for consistency they should have the same person reviewing the sequel as reviewed the original (C. Arnone - 9.0). At least that way there's proper relativity between the first game and it's direct sequel so that people who played FFXIII can get a proper sense of how FFXIII-2 comnpares to the original. Or at least get someone who liked FFXIII as much as the original reviewer to do the review. This way you can't actually get a good handle on how the 2 games compare. The difference between this site and Edge, for example, is that Edge gave XIII-2 the same 5.0 score as XIII. Tells everyone the games are about the same. What this site tells everyone is that one game is way better than the other.

From what I've heard the XIII and XIII-2 are about the same.

All the gaming public ask for is consistency, consistency means gamers can rely on a website to be a good indicator. To me, 2 years on, it seems like XIII's score should be down in the 6's, rather that XIII-2's be up in the 8's for there to be reasonable comparability.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

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Jimi Hendrix


Around the Network
oniyide said:
Its funny but no one is who defending 13-2 is giving their reasons why its a good game

The biggest paradox about it all is that things that people like the game for are the same reasons it is criticized. Story, characters, and gameplay are things that get hated on while also being praised.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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hatmoza said:
Khuutra said:
theprof00 said:
Khuutra said:
Wagram said:
If you're complaining that JRPGs have too many cutscenes, you are playing the wrong genre.

Nonsense. Plenty of JRPGs communicate their stories without embarrassments of cutscenes. The biggest JRPG franchise in the world manages to pull it off with relatively few cutscenes.

ff has had lots of cutscenes, since 8.

FF hasn't been the biggest JRPG franchise in fifteen years

Dragon Quest!

Do I get a cookie?

Not even close. I'm imagine he's counting Pokemon here.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

theprof00 said:
Khuutra said:
Wagram said:
If you're complaining that JRPGs have too many cutscenes, you are playing the wrong genre.

Nonsense. Plenty of JRPGs communicate their stories without embarrassments of cutscenes. The biggest JRPG franchise in the world manages to pull it off with relatively few cutscenes.

ff has had lots of cutscenes, since 8.

And previous ones had plenty of non-interactive dialogue too which wasn't realised as cutscenes because of technical reasons (lack of space mostly).


His review seems fine, he talks of both good point then bad, like any reviewer should. His opinion as a FFXIII player is better then some random guy coming in not knowing the first games and just reviewing it. I played the demo, I felt like I was back playing FFXIII again and stopped playing the demo at quick time events, even if it got better, no FF game should have quick time events.

Hmm, pie.

Yes it is