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Forums - Sales Discussion - Sony on Vita sales: "we do not think we have any problems"

I'm not going to mock Sony because, although I believe this statement is wrong and they should be worried about PS-Vita sales, I'm certain that Sony can't really do anything to improve sales right now ...

While we can't be certain, it is a reasonably safe bet that the PS-Vita costs more than the 3DS to manufacture and Nintendo is better able to handle upfront hardware losses than Sony is; and this means that Sony (probably) can not afford to cut the price of the PS-Vita enough to increase sales now. On top of that, Sony can't magically pull dozens of games out of thin air for people to get excited about.

With that said, this is trouble for the PS-Vita (especially if it sees similar sales outside of Japan) because it puts it into a similar position as the Gamecube was in for different reasons. A system that has a large sales lead and is outselling your system on a week to week basis will (likely) attract the bulk of third party support that is needed to actually make your system more competitive; leading to a much larger lead with a greater weekly sales advantage.

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Freaking advertise the shit like Halo 3 did.

the biggest ip have yet to hit the console, thus alluding to the current sales of the system.

Wow, some people in this thread really go on about nothing, First, Games, there are over 100 coming out this year, and more being announced as days go by, Vita will have no short coming on games. Vita is already oozing with 3rd party support. Just because it's a slow start in Japan doesn't mean it's going to be the same here, Do i think it's going to be great? No, Maybe 8 million world wide in the first year. Which is fine. Not everything has to sell like a tickle me Elmo doll at Christmas to be consider a success. When it gets a monster hunter game it will sell in japan. There's not many games the Japanese like to play on the system right now, So why would they rush out and buy it? But it's completely different here. There's already 5 or more games that I want. Best Buy and Game stops already have demo unit's on hand, and every time i talk to a worker about it, they explain how awesome it is. It's already got good word of mouth, plus a taco bell promotion going on. I wouldn't expect Sony to pull a knee Jerk reaction to okay sale's the way Nintendo did. Nintendo didn't have any games worth buying the system for at a 250 dollar price point, they quickly cut the price, and lost a bunch of money. When they could have held out awhile longer for their games to hit before making a price cut. While at the same time seriously cannibalizing their DS sales which was still doing great even with the 3DS on the market. Now look at them. Seriously, calm down. Doom and Gloom post are getting old.

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I think in North America, at best you're going to see a 2 million unit launch. Europe may add 1.5 - 2 million more. From there sales will decline, picking back up near the holiday selling season, but it won't peak beyond the launch numbers.

If the Vita doesn't pick up momentum by June 12th, it'll be lost in the news of the day, the iPhone 5. As much as people here don't see smartphones as competition, the fact is right now every product competes for consumer dollars. If Sony hasn't convinced people by June 12th to buy, the Vita is going to have a very quiet Summer.

Let's face it, until they get a Monster Hunter game in Japan on the Vita, the system is going to continue to fail; however, they still have the North America launch and the European launch which I think will be much better. If the NA and European sales look anything even close to the Japanese numbers then I think they are in REAL trouble. Price is another problem.

At least when the 3DS bombed Nintendo quickly realised, took the blame, dropped the price and picked up sales. It seems Sony is sticking their fingers in their ears and shutting their eyes so they can avoid reality.

Euphoria14 said:
maverick40 said:
Wait until it releases world wide before making any kind of judgement.

This gen alone, not to mention this past year should tell everyone that nothing should be fully judged until after a device has at least had a holiday season.

The Vita was launched during the holiday season.  So it has had its holiday season already for Japan.

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