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I'm not going to mock Sony because, although I believe this statement is wrong and they should be worried about PS-Vita sales, I'm certain that Sony can't really do anything to improve sales right now ...

While we can't be certain, it is a reasonably safe bet that the PS-Vita costs more than the 3DS to manufacture and Nintendo is better able to handle upfront hardware losses than Sony is; and this means that Sony (probably) can not afford to cut the price of the PS-Vita enough to increase sales now. On top of that, Sony can't magically pull dozens of games out of thin air for people to get excited about.

With that said, this is trouble for the PS-Vita (especially if it sees similar sales outside of Japan) because it puts it into a similar position as the Gamecube was in for different reasons. A system that has a large sales lead and is outselling your system on a week to week basis will (likely) attract the bulk of third party support that is needed to actually make your system more competitive; leading to a much larger lead with a greater weekly sales advantage.