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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Proof that IGN is Biased Against Wii Games

well.....that game is not sooooo bad....but the graphics are awful for sure, for a 2007 game!!!

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Mummelmann said:
lightbleeder said:
I can't believe that some guys can't understand sarcasm when they see it, of course this game sucks, everyone knows it sucks.

Understanding vocal sarcasm is a basic detection, but reading it off of a couple of sentences with no bold, italic or underlined words is actually very difficult.

 Not when the game is NINJA BREADMAN.

 I mean, cooooome on.

hunter_alien said:
My god that looks just horrible ... seriously , I cant bealive it that Nintendo even alows games like this for the Wii ... well , at least Wii owners can pla SMG I guess ...

 Yeah, just as unbelieveable as Sony allowing a game like this on their system

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)

Sqrl said:
Its too bad really, with work the game had promise, but they clearly didn't deliver...and from the looks of it I don't think we will be seeing any Ninja Breadman 2 =P
I think they made an announcement last year on how well it sold actually.I remember for 2 weeks running in the USA chart it beat Dave Mirra BMX Challenge, which was released at the same time, which gave me a good laugh:

American Chart for Week Ending 06th October 2007

Ninjabread Man
Dave Mirra BMX Challenge

American Chart for Week Ending 13th October 2007

Wii titles only.

Ninjabread Man
Dave Mirra BMX Challenge


Wow that guy isn't an Angry video game nerd. The crappiest games make the best reviews.

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


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Troll_Monster said:
PSaiki said:
It seems two guys up here can't understand sarcasm.
Everyone knows that game sucks.
famousringo is just making a joke.

 or is he?!?! o.0

Yes, yes he is.

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man i dont think so if there is any website support the wii its the ign

Mummelmann said:
lightbleeder said:
I can't believe that some guys can't understand sarcasm when they see it, of course this game sucks, everyone knows it sucks.

Understanding vocal sarcasm is a basic detection, but reading it off of a couple of sentences with no bold, italic or underlined words is actually very difficult.

that would be true if it werent for the ninja bread man campaign that had its rounds not too long ago.  the ninja bread man campaign was a focal point of the threads for a while.


my pillars of gaming: kh, naughty dog, insomniac, ssb, gow, ff

i officially boycott boycotts.  crap.

famousringo said:
Rath said:
Legendary game, reviewers just don't understand it.

If people are going to complain about lack of depth in story telling in video games then they need to play this game first, it truly defines greatness as far as depth goes.

 Like the reviewer said, and I quote, "It's got jumping. It's got a lot of jumping."

 So what's with the lousy score?

Exactly. All Mario games have jumping, right........and they all get scores in the 90' why not this?

Thats just too funny!