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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony CEO: Casual Games on PS2 to Compete with Wii Coming

Played_Out said:
Given that [stuff] Sony actually managed to [stuff] fail to understand the logic of their strategy.

BOTTOM LINE [stuff].

 Oh, that is rich.

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Played_Out said: BOTTOM LINE: They are better at business than you are.

Hm, I think Sony's gaming division lost more last year thaqn all of us combined. WE didn't lose half of the gaming divisions ALL-TIME profits in 12 months. Now, that said, they have the POTENTIAL to make money from the PS3, if they would just get the preverbial head out of the ass. :)

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I think they just wants to focuss on PS2 vs Wii to underline that the PS3 isn't really competing much for the same kind of consumers at this point. (owning both platforms PS3/Wii doesn't even cause much overlap)

I agree the PS2 and Wii currently seem to be the best products available for kids and casuals (the kind not interesting in stuff like Blu-Ray, HD graphics, etc), the PS2 has the price advantage (including budget games) and a bigger games library overall, but has to deal far more with market saturation for the hardware. The Wii on the other hand provides novelty controls and has the advantage of Nintendo fans upgrading and far less market saturation.

I agree though Sony's focuss at this point should really be PS2 vs Wii and PS3 vs 360. Later on when a cheaper slimline PS3 gets released the console can take over the PS2's role within the market.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

Whats the issue with the PS2? Its cheap, easy to develope for, and its not like the PS2 selling is a bad thing for Sony is it? PS3 games are too complex to deal with the Wii. What the Wii is doing is stealing PS2 fans because of price, and most people havent gotten an HDTV yet.

Sony wants to MAKE MONEY, not "win" a console war. They aren't fanboys, so if the PS2 is selling and making money, and they are selling software, then why not make PS2 games?

The PS2 still outsells both the Xbox360 and PS3 worldwide doesnt it? Fanboys who care about console sales want it to abandon the PS2. Introduce a Wii-like controller bundled with a sports game on the PS2 and there you go. Maybe even price it at $40 for the whole bundle.

Jandre02 said:
Introduce a Wii-like controller bundled with a sports game on the PS2 and there you go.

 A little bit late though, no? Didn't Nintendo already do something similar with the GameCube?

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First, I don't know how serious this claim for Hirai is. Maybe it just means the will publish more of the Eurocasual stuff they already sell in the US and Japan. However, if this is really a new strategy, they do this clearly because they have already tried to put all their weight behind the PS3 and it didn't work out.

Hardcore gaming is a bubble economy blown up by Microsoft's $7 $6 billion losses.

in2Games has already produced some motion-sensing controls for the PS2:

Wii-style remote play coming to PlayStation 2








No foreign sky protected me,
No stranger's wing shielded my face.
I stand as witness to the common lot,
survivor of that time, that place.

- From 'Requiem' by Anna Akhmatova

And people are acting like making a Wii-like game will take large amounts of effort and time. It would take a few months at most on the PS2. This robs nothing at all from the PS3. The huge PS3 games are being made by big time third party developers.

They couldnt fund a rather small company or build this internally in Sony.

The fact is, there is still plenty of money to be made on the PS2, and Sony needs to do whatever they can to offset the losses they're taking on the PS3. If that means breathing another year of life into the PS2, then so be it.

That only is helpful is breathing life into the PS2 doesn't hurt the sales of the PS3. If I was just buying a PS2 this late in it's life, what chance do they have of selling me a PS3 in the next decade?

BAM! There it is!
Wii Code 3456 7941 4060 2924
COD MW Reflex 541192229709