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Whats the issue with the PS2? Its cheap, easy to develope for, and its not like the PS2 selling is a bad thing for Sony is it? PS3 games are too complex to deal with the Wii. What the Wii is doing is stealing PS2 fans because of price, and most people havent gotten an HDTV yet.

Sony wants to MAKE MONEY, not "win" a console war. They aren't fanboys, so if the PS2 is selling and making money, and they are selling software, then why not make PS2 games?

The PS2 still outsells both the Xbox360 and PS3 worldwide doesnt it? Fanboys who care about console sales want it to abandon the PS2. Introduce a Wii-like controller bundled with a sports game on the PS2 and there you go. Maybe even price it at $40 for the whole bundle.