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Forums - Gaming Discussion - HD Twins: Greatest Exclusive Lists (updated through 2011)

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oniyide said:

i was looking for the sales guy lol. it's ok dud but you were being alittle harsh, but this goes back to my question(that nobody cares to answer these days) isn't osaman's list based on retail releases?

it seems that way so i still don't see the problem?

I thought it was based on retail releases, i dont see a problem either. The only thing, that bothered me was again counting PC/360 games as exclusvie. Me personally I would never count DC Universe as an exclusive

well far as i know there was a post about a yr. ago asking why not include PC games that come on one console but not the other in the exclusives list, so that may have been his motivation. but i still thing the list is well balanced with no intent of being one sided as others (not you) are suggesting.

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oniyide said:

i was looking for the sales guy lol. it's ok dud but you were being alittle harsh, but this goes back to my question(that nobody cares to answer these days) isn't osaman's list based on retail releases?

it seems that way so i still don't see the problem?

I thought it was based on retail releases, i dont see a problem either. The only thing, that bothered me was again counting PC/360 games as exclusvie. Me personally I would never count DC Universe as an exclusive

well far as i know there was a post about a yr. ago asking why not include PC games that come on one console but not the other in the exclusives list, so that may have been his motivation. but i still thing the list is well balanced with no intent of being one sided as others (not you) are suggesting.

agree. some people just need to grow up and be mature

oniyide said:
oniyide said:

i was looking for the sales guy lol. it's ok dud but you were being alittle harsh, but this goes back to my question(that nobody cares to answer these days) isn't osaman's list based on retail releases?

it seems that way so i still don't see the problem?

I thought it was based on retail releases, i dont see a problem either. The only thing, that bothered me was again counting PC/360 games as exclusvie. Me personally I would never count DC Universe as an exclusive

well far as i know there was a post about a yr. ago asking why not include PC games that come on one console but not the other in the exclusives list, so that may have been his motivation. but i still thing the list is well balanced with no intent of being one sided as others (not you) are suggesting.

agree. some people just need to grow up and be mature

not sure how long you've been here but it's allot better then it was.

trasharmdsister12 said:

oniyide said:

THis makes a lot more sense, so Sales school doesnt go up to the 90 percentage???

It does. He just means 85-100 (85+) is all considered A+. His scheme is not too far off to the one I've followed for my entire life. He just doesn't have a minus part to the letter grade so each letter grade percentage range is split into 2 instead of 3 parts. And I already mentioned that the biggest difference I've seen between school gradings around here (sales and I appear to be from the same province) is in the upper echelon of grades (the 80-100 range) where things seem to vary on a school to school basis.

I need to go to Canada. In the US 80-89 is only a B. anything higher is the A range


ethomaz said:
Michael-5 said:
ethomaz said:
Michael-5 said:
ethomaz said:
PS3 had more and better exclusives... the only games I miss on my PS3 is Gears and Halo... of course others Nintendo games I miss too.

It's all a matter of preference. When I count the must have games on 360 and PS3 for me, 360 wins 20-10 most because it has more then 1 good racing game, and a lot of great JRPG exclusives. Everyone has their own preference, I can understand why some people even think Wii is the best now that I played Skyward Sword.

lol PS3 had more and better JRPG exclusives too.

had? What are you talking about? Only really good JRPG on the PS3 to date is Valkyria Chronicles. Folklore and WKC are good, but no better then Blue Dragon or The Last Remnant.

360 has Lost Odyssey, Tales of Vesperia, Infinite Undiscovery (which I think is great), Magna Carta 2, Infinite Undiscovery, The Last Remnant, and it had Star Ocean for a bit. The first 3 I consider AAA, or great, the others are just good. Top that off with some good WRPG exclusives (dear god, NOT FABLE! That game is shit), 360 is the RPG machine this gen.

but next year....that might balance it out a bit with 2 Tales of __ exclusives.

Well... Tales of Vesperia ans Star Ocean is just timed exclusives, these games was already released in PS3...  Magna Carta 2 is Korean RPG (but I can live puting it in JRPG).

Now the list...

Valkyria Chronicles  *AAA
Demon Souls  *AAA
White Knight Chronicles *A Metascore 60
White Knight Chronicles  2 *A

Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice *A 78 - B+
Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten *AA 80, A-, just
Trinity: Souls of Zill O'll  *Meh D, 55 Metascore
Folklore *A - 75 B
Atelier Rorona: The Alchemist of Arland *A C, 65 score
Hyperdimension Neptunia *Meh F, 45 metascore
Ar tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel *A C-, 62 metascore
Cross Edge *A D-, 52 metascore
Trinity Universe *A C-, 62 Metascore
Yakuza 3 *AA
Yakuza 4 *AA Not even JRPG's, you're just so wrong

Last Rebellion *Meh F, Metascore 44

Well... I forgote some of course.

You can make any list you want but the PS3 have more JRPG than X360... and for me the Valkyria Chronicles and Demons Souls is better than any other title in the box.


Wow, overcompensating? When you make a list which includes Cross Edge, and 2 other games with F ratings, and claim they are all A, you are desperate.

Tales of Vesperia is 360 exclusive last I checked. No english version for PS3.

As for the rest of those games, they are average, not good. 44-75 is not A, it's F-B, and this is not a list of C or so games rated games. This is why I didn't include stuff like Project Sylpheed for 360, it's not A.

Stop waisting time, 360 pwns PS3 in terms of JRPG exclusives. I did forget Dark Souls (not my type of game), and I'm surprised a Disgaea broke 80/100 when Blue Dragon did not, but that still limits the list to 5 good/great PS3 exclusive JRPG's (Folklore is decent too). Compare this to 360's (Vesperia, Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, Magna Carta 2, Infinite Undiscovery, and The Last Remnant), well it's actually not too far off (5 compared to 6).

I'll admit, you have raised a fair point, and I can see why I might have an overinflated 360 view (like you do PS3) because my opinions typically match GT's, which gives 360 JRPG's high reviews. However I still say 360 is still better :P

Metascritics isn't fair to RPG's, so if you look at Gametrailers, IGN (like osama did) and VGC themselves you will see that of these 11 (+1 to make it 6-6) good/great Console RPG exclusives, they rate more like this: (IGN/GT/VGC)

Valkyria Chronicles - 91.6 90/91/94
Demon's Souls 90 - 94/89/87
Tales of Vesperia 86 - 82/88/88
Lost Odyssey 85 - 82/88/-
Disgaea 4 82.3 - 85/75/87
Folklore 79.6 - 90/72/77
Blue Dragon 77 - 79/75/-
Infinite Undiscovery 74.5 - 71/78/-
Magna Carta 2 69.5 - 68/71
Ar Tonelico 67.5 - 60/-/75
Disgaea 3 67 - 67/-/-
The Last Remnant -66  53/80/65

Which is PS3/PS3/360/360/PS3/PS3/360/360/360

So it's a matter of preference, but to be fair, pre 2009, 360 dominated, and PS3 has only been catching up since (and will catch up with Graces and Xillia).

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oniyide said:

i was looking for the sales guy lol. it's ok dud but you were being alittle harsh, but this goes back to my question(that nobody cares to answer these days) isn't osaman's list based on retail releases?

it seems that way so i still don't see the problem?

I thought it was based on retail releases, i dont see a problem either. The only thing, that bothered me was again counting PC/360 games as exclusvie. Me personally I would never count DC Universe as an exclusive

well far as i know there was a post about a yr. ago asking why not include PC games that come on one console but not the other in the exclusives list, so that may have been his motivation. but i still thing the list is well balanced with no intent of being one sided as others (not you) are suggesting.

That's exactly how I feel. 360 has more shooters (Halo, Left 4 Dead) and racing (PGR, Forza) exclusives, while PS3 has more action adventure games (God of War, LittleBigPlanet), and for JRPG's 360 has more, but PS3 has a couple non traditional 9/10's (where most of 360's JRPG's are more or less traditional).

It's all a matter of preference, and I think one reason threads like this are a lot shorter now days is because people have finally learned to accept this. Less crazy 360 fanboys, less loyal Sony supporters who still feel Sony is ontop.

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RolStoppable said:
Michael-5 said:


ethomaz said:

Now the list...

Valkyria Chronicles  *AAA
Demon Souls  *AAA
White Knight Chronicles *A Metascore 60
White Knight Chronicles  2 *A

Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice *A 78 - B+
Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten *AA 80, A-, just
Trinity: Souls of Zill O'll  *Meh D, 55 Metascore
Folklore *A - 75 B
Atelier Rorona: The Alchemist of Arland *A C, 65 score
Hyperdimension Neptunia *Meh F, 45 metascore
Ar tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel *A C-, 62 metascore
Cross Edge *A D-, 52 metascore
Trinity Universe *A C-, 62 Metascore
Yakuza 3 *AA
Yakuza 4 *AA Not even JRPG's, you're just so wrong

Last Rebellion *Meh F, Metascore 44

Well... I forgote some of course.

You can make any list you want but the PS3 have more JRPG than X360... and for me the Valkyria Chronicles and Demons Souls is better than any other title in the box.

Wow, overcompensating? When you make a list which includes Cross Edge, and 2 other games with F ratings, and claim they are all A, you are desperate.


Hahaha, I am sorry for quoting such a long post, but this is pure gold. I told you that you had it coming.

That is why I specifically mentioned Cross Edge.

However ethomaz did point out that the difference isn't as one sided as I thought, it depends where the cut off is, and what sources you use for scores. Using metacritic, if the cut off is 77% or lower, 360 tops it, however because some of PS3's JRPG's are modern (where Lost Odyssey got hurt in reviews for being too traditional) they got strong reviews. So cut offs above 80% PS3 wins.

However is this a win? JRPG's have never been popular among the masses, and when you look at my list, Amazing games like Lost Odyssey and Tales of Vesperia track much higher then on meta critic, while Final Fantasy and generic brands track lower. I don't think a 77-80% metascore is bad for a JRPG. Suikoden 2 is only an 82%, Wild Arms 3-5 got score between 69-78%, and Skies of Arcadia (one of the best JRPG's from last gen) got a 75%.

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Michael-5 said:
oniyide said:

i was looking for the sales guy lol. it's ok dud but you were being alittle harsh, but this goes back to my question(that nobody cares to answer these days) isn't osaman's list based on retail releases?

it seems that way so i still don't see the problem?

I thought it was based on retail releases, i dont see a problem either. The only thing, that bothered me was again counting PC/360 games as exclusvie. Me personally I would never count DC Universe as an exclusive

well far as i know there was a post about a yr. ago asking why not include PC games that come on one console but not the other in the exclusives list, so that may have been his motivation. but i still thing the list is well balanced with no intent of being one sided as others (not you) are suggesting.

That's exactly how I feel. 360 has more shooters (Halo, Left 4 Dead) and racing (PGR, Forza) exclusives, while PS3 has more action adventure games (God of War, LittleBigPlanet), and for JRPG's 360 has more, but PS3 has a couple non traditional 9/10's (where most of 360's JRPG's are more or less traditional).

It's all a matter of preference, and I think one reason threads like this are a lot shorter now days is because people have finally learned to accept this. Less crazy 360 fanboys, less loyal Sony supporters who still feel Sony is ontop.

agreed. looks like this won't turn into a debate lol.

''- not including games rated 70-79% on metacritic is purely to cut off the 360s massive lead in that category over PS3. I dont understand how people could cut games that are the equivalent of a B to B+ in the school grading system.''

Life is too short to play every single video game rated above 90%, I'll never understand why people tolerate mediocrity when there are so many masterpieces. I know that the metascore of a game is not always indicative of quality but once you stoop below 80% you typically start to waste your precious time.

bouzane said:
''- not including games rated 70-79% on metacritic is purely to cut off the 360s massive lead in that category over PS3. I dont understand how people could cut games that are the equivalent of a B to B+ in the school grading system.''

Life is too short to play every single video game rated above 90%, I'll never understand why people tolerate mediocrity when there are so many masterpieces. I know that the metascore of a game is not always indicative of quality but once you stoop below 80% you typically start to waste your precious time.

Yea, but you know a B+ game can be perfect to some and shit to others, doesn't mean it isn't bad.

How many GT5 loyalists does this website have? Isn't that a B game? Isn't it worth considering when buying a PS3 (being a flagship title)?

Also being 90+ on metacritic doesn't mean a game is 90+. Lots of games get inflated scores because of brand names (Final Fantasy, Halo, God of War, etc, etc). They are all great games and for many, they are 90+ games, but to many others Lost Odyssey, Killzone, and Bayonetta are better, despite having lower scores.

You agree a B+ game on metacritic isn't necessarily a reflection of quality, so why is the cut off 80%? Why don't 79% games make the cut, I noticed 360 has quite a few between 75-80%. Lower the cut off by 5%, and suddenly 360 is in the lead.

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