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Michael-5 said:
oniyide said:

i was looking for the sales guy lol. it's ok dud but you were being alittle harsh, but this goes back to my question(that nobody cares to answer these days) isn't osaman's list based on retail releases?

it seems that way so i still don't see the problem?

I thought it was based on retail releases, i dont see a problem either. The only thing, that bothered me was again counting PC/360 games as exclusvie. Me personally I would never count DC Universe as an exclusive

well far as i know there was a post about a yr. ago asking why not include PC games that come on one console but not the other in the exclusives list, so that may have been his motivation. but i still thing the list is well balanced with no intent of being one sided as others (not you) are suggesting.

That's exactly how I feel. 360 has more shooters (Halo, Left 4 Dead) and racing (PGR, Forza) exclusives, while PS3 has more action adventure games (God of War, LittleBigPlanet), and for JRPG's 360 has more, but PS3 has a couple non traditional 9/10's (where most of 360's JRPG's are more or less traditional).

It's all a matter of preference, and I think one reason threads like this are a lot shorter now days is because people have finally learned to accept this. Less crazy 360 fanboys, less loyal Sony supporters who still feel Sony is ontop.

agreed. looks like this won't turn into a debate lol.