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Forums - Sales Discussion - NPD November: X360 #1 - 1.7M, PS3 900k~,Wii - 860k, 3DS 795k

360 numbers are insane. PS3 numbers not too bad either. So 3DS, Wii, PS3 and 360 each >1,5 million in December, mayber >2.

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The Xbox 360 sells 1.7 million units, having the biggest November in the Xbox history, almost outselling the 2 competitors combined and you guys are discussing that the PS3 is slightly undertracked by 40k a week?

Imagine not having GamePass on your console...

amazing 360 numbers, PS3 and Wii numbers are pretty healthy, but I thought 3DS and DS would've sold more

I find it amusing the people that were discrediting VGChartz Halo Reach numbers for a long time are now pulling the NPD doesnt track bundles card just so they can win themselves out of an argument.

sometimes I just do not understand the ramblings you make :S it ain't amusing even

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enrageorange said:


while Skyrim managed "a five-fold increase over Oblivion's first month sales" coming in just a half-million units short of matching its predecessor's lifetime sales. 

By november 26th sales looked like this according to vgchartz.


Console Oblivion Skyrim Difference
360 1.90m 1.637m 0.263
PS3 1.12m 0.677m 0.443
PC ??? 0.350m ???

So total difference not counting PC is 706k. (Counting PC is 356k+PC oblivion sales) Anyway if vgchartz console oblivion numbers are accurate. Skyrim's usa sales would be 2.17mil+ amount of copies PC version of oblivion sold lifetime.

EDIT AGAIN. My addition skills SUCK

Your numbers are hard to follow but if the quote "five-fold increase over Oblivion's first month" is  true it means Skyrim is heavily overtracked by VGC as VGC has Nov at 2.7 million for X360, PS3, PC while 5 x 356K=1.8 million according to NPD.

(I'm not sure if the 356K for Oblivion's first month USA sales means X360 or X360+PC though. If it's 356K only for X360 Oblivion first month it means Skyrim is still overtracked as VGC has Skyrim X360+PS3 at 2.3 million)

crissindahouse said:

seriously if ethomaz doesn't stop posting his stupid smiley after every sentence which means that his smiley doesn't mean anything anymore i will leave this site forever. it's the most annoying thing i ever saw online, a guy posting this smiley like 10k posts in a row...a ten years old wouldn't do that!

i will say this now every thread as long as he will stop it haha


Just ignore my comments... and the smiley means I was right.

Looking at the sales, and in particular what seems to have sold well (in terms of particular bundles) I'd say the HD consoles are well placed to continue to grow in US (360 comfortably ahead of PS3 of course). Both will be taking share from Nintendo for the moment going forward, and if the Wii U doesn't recapture the market the US will be primarily in MS hands with Sony having a decent share.

Really curious to see how the Wii U performs when it launches and whether MS in particular, or Sony, launch close to it. If I was MS and Sony I wouldn't consider anything earlier than Q3 2013 at the moment - there seems no need. Both are still selling well HW/SW and neither has clearly peaked in the region or worldwide.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

NoCtiS_NoX said:
dark_gh0st_b0y said:
Americans love 360

why so much fuss for Ps3 sales!?

it barely passed the Wii which only had Zelda and Just Dance 3 for almost the whole 2011, and WiiU already announced

I expected 3DS to be much closer to VGC though it's still good

That clearly doesn't help. /s

Anyway, great for Xbox 360. 360 is the de facto console for  USA and the sales proves it.

Great for PS3 but not as awezome!! like 360 sales.

700k for uncharted 3 without coiunting the bundles is really great.

MW3 is a beast what can I say. LOL

I know it's a very low price, but more or less every console got a reduced price for Black Friday and Wii has always been cheaper anyway

it's cool that Wii still has respectable monthly sales even with successor coming and only 2 big games for the whole year, where PS3/Xbox360 got a hell of megatons and awesome games

don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^

Amazing 360 numbers.Simply amazing.
I'm really pleased with the PS3's #s as well,eager to see how December fares .