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Forums - Sales Discussion - Media Create Sales 11/14 ~ 11/20

Dunno what people were expecting with Ni No Kuni. It is a "late port" after all given it released first on DS some months back. It's as if people think PS3 owners don't have DS's. If someone bought it on DS and they own a PS3 then if they think the game is good but not great they aren't going to go out and get the HD version.

Delayed release = lower sales, it is known. Even when you consider Tales of Vesperia and Star Ocean 4. Even though those games sold much better on PS3 than on 360 in Japan, Tales of Xilia sales show that Vesperia possibly could have sold much better on PS3 if it had been a simultaneous release with 360.

Great number for PS3. I wonder if Wii is going to outsell PS3 in any week in Japan. Maybe one or 2 weeks, but it seems Wii in Japan at least is even going to be losing it's year end dominance.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


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NoCtiS_NoX said:
Here's some bad news. PS3 Ni no Kuni Sold Only 40% of Stock

Very good news, hopefully this crappy overrated company will realise they will have to make good games if they want to do well.

Seeing White Knight Chronicles outsell Xenoblade in Japan was very painful, now seeing Ninokuni bomb and do far worse than Xenoblade, hell even GUST RPG's have sold better than Ninokuni.

Mega bomb, the biggest of this generation so far.

Now there is one more big RPG due to launch in Japan that will be bombing this year, can't wait for it to do so!

Lostplanet22 said:
Boutros said:
KillerMan said:
kopstudent89 said:
So CoD breaks DKCR's record as the highest ever FW for a Western game, that should be mentioned

Not quite. Also San Andreas sold marginally more in its first week.

Wow I had no idea Crash was so popular in Japan O.o  you don't want to know;..

Considering how popular Crash was around the globe I still really don't know why Sony didn't bother to buy the license for Crash at the end of PS1 era. Could still be huge seller with better developers and marketing.

pezus said:
Rob-Ot said:
NoCtiS_NoX said:
Here's some bad news. PS3 Ni no Kuni Sold Only 40% of Stock

Very good news, hopefully this crappy overrated company will realise they will have to make good games if they want to do well.

Seeing White Knight Chronicles outsell Xenoblade in Japan was very painful, now seeing Ninokuni bomb and do far worse than Xenoblade, hell even GUST RPG's have sold better than Ninokuni.

Mega bomb, the biggest of this generation so far.

Now there is one more big RPG due to launch in Japan that will be bombing this year, can't wait for it to do so!

Wait, isn't Ni no Kuni a good game? Did the PS3 version get slammed or something?

It may be, or it may not be. this is more of a punishment for the quality of Level-5 games though. WKC was absolutely crappy and most of their products are mediocre unless they have Hino from S-E to help them (the DQ games) or Layton.

pezus said:
Rob-Ot said:
pezus said:
Rob-Ot said:
NoCtiS_NoX said:
Here's some bad news. PS3 Ni no Kuni Sold Only 40% of Stock

Very good news, hopefully this crappy overrated company will realise they will have to make good games if they want to do well.

Seeing White Knight Chronicles outsell Xenoblade in Japan was very painful, now seeing Ninokuni bomb and do far worse than Xenoblade, hell even GUST RPG's have sold better than Ninokuni.

Mega bomb, the biggest of this generation so far.

Now there is one more big RPG due to launch in Japan that will be bombing this year, can't wait for it to do so!

Wait, isn't Ni no Kuni a good game? Did the PS3 version get slammed or something?

It may be, or it may not be. this is more of a punishment for the quality of Level-5 games though. WKC was absolutely crappy and most of their products are mediocre unless they have Hino from S-E to help them (the DQ games) or Layton.

But if Ni no Kuni is actually good, doesn't that give them the wrong message?

Dont try to argue with him, he just whant to trash on Level 5 and is reciting that Final Fantasy XIII-2 will bomb like a mantra.

Around the Network
padib said:
MrT-Tar said:
good 3DS and Mario numbers. Ninokuni is disappointing sales wise, can someone remind me what DS game sold like? I remember it was below my expectations, but nothing else.


As an indicator, here is how well it faired on the DS, released in December 2010 (jp)

"It was the second best-selling video game during its week of release in the region at 170,548 copies sold.[17] Hino stated in February 2011 that the game has sold over 500,000 units in Japan.[18]"

You miss one importtant thing. 

"Japanese retailers ordered an initial shipment of 600,000 copies of Ni no Kuni, more than any previous Level-5 game."

Even though it sold 500k. Those sales came from price cut after price cut. TBH I already gave up on Ni No kuni PS3. I am just glad they showed it again and Namco Bandai is doing the localization. 

Anyway, I am now hoping for a demon souls kind of legs.

pezus said:
binary solo said:
 Delayed release = lower sales, it is known

"It is known"

Just so.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


good bump for the PS3,colours always help

                                                                                                                                        Above & Beyond


NoCtiS_NoX said:
padib said:
MrT-Tar said:
good 3DS and Mario numbers. Ninokuni is disappointing sales wise, can someone remind me what DS game sold like? I remember it was below my expectations, but nothing else.


As an indicator, here is how well it faired on the DS, released in December 2010 (jp)

"It was the second best-selling video game during its week of release in the region at 170,548 copies sold.[17] Hino stated in February 2011 that the game has sold over 500,000 units in Japan.[18]"

You miss one importtant thing. 

"Japanese retailers ordered an initial shipment of 600,000 copies of Ni no Kuni, more than any previous Level-5 game."

Even though it sold 500k. Those sales came from price cut after price cut. TBH I already gave up on Ni No kuni PS3. I am just glad they showed it again and Namco Bandai is doing the localization. 

Anyway, I am now hoping for a demon souls kind of legs.

But in that case retailers took the losses, not publisher. Publishers get their money from game even BEFORE it is sold to consumer. For example retailer could buy game from publisher for $30 (yes, retailers buy games from publishers before it is put to display) and sell it for $10 or $100, however they want. 

Rob-Ot said:
NoCtiS_NoX said:
Here's some bad news. PS3 Ni no Kuni Sold Only 40% of Stock

Very good news, hopefully this crappy overrated company will realise they will have to make good games if they want to do well.

Seeing White Knight Chronicles outsell Xenoblade in Japan was very painful, now seeing Ninokuni bomb and do far worse than Xenoblade, hell even GUST RPG's have sold better than Ninokuni.

Mega bomb, the biggest of this generation so far.

Now there is one more big RPG due to launch in Japan that will be bombing this year, can't wait for it to do so!

pretty disgusting to see somebody hate games like you do - your mentality is closer to that of a religious fanatic than to a gamer's imho (well, that seems to be a popular trend anyway)