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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Launch titles you'd like to see on the next gen consoles.

Nintendo needs to screw its head on straight and have 2D Mario at launch. Not to say i won't buy it whatever it is, but 2D Mario would be a strategic coup, especially that early in the game before Sony and Microsoft could rally to counter it

One wonders if Wii has actually started a trend for having killer apps at launch, though Nintendo themselves bucked that with the 3DS, i would think all three would want something to really attract people to the system from the beginning (as launch lineups have generally been weak post-Dreamcast and barring the Wii and original Xbox)

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

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PS4 - A JRPG at or close launch. A good one with decent production values at least.. JRPG need to step up.
WiiU - Sin&Punishment 4/Fire Emblem/ New IP ... whichever one.

If new gen hits 2014, I think we will God of War IV and Uncharted 4 in 2013, so I guess I want New IP from both Santa Monica and Naughty Dog.For the xbox 360 new IP from EPIC.

Wii U - Yoshi's Island Remake

Next Xbox - Halo 5

PS4 - No buy

A lot of titles will be Multi-Platform next gen so all i will need is a xbox and wii u since i enjoy their 1st party games a lot more than Sony's.

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WiiU: a new Super Smash Bros, a new Donkey Kong or Metroid from Retro Studios

PS4: a new IP from Naughty Dog or Santa Monica Studio, Resident Evil 6

720: a new IP from EPIC or Bioware, Resident Evil 6

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ps4---god of war 4 or new god of war trilogy with different character, uncharted4, infamous 3, mgs5, GT6, Agent, LBP3, new fps ip from guerrila games. quantic dream game(yes i want all these in the first 2 years lol)

Xbox 720---halo 5, forza 5,

multi-platform----assassins creed 4.


It wouls suck though if Halo 4(first part of trilogy is on 360) and 5,6 on the 720.But it kinds happened with 1,2 (original xbox) and halo 3 on the 360.

Wii U: New Super Smash Bros, Super Mario Galaxy 3, Pikmin 3, and New Metroid game, New Star Fox, and new IP(s)

Nextbox: Alan Wake 2, Fable 4, Forza 5, Crackdown 3, B&K 3, Perfect Dark game,and much needed new IP(s).

PS4: Infamous 3, God of War 4, GT6, Little Big Planet 3, Uncharted 4, Killzone 4, and new IP(s).

PS4 - Ideally ND's new IP, but I would take sequels or new IPs from SCE Santa Monica, Sucker Punch or Guerilla
Nextbox - I would love Lost Odyssey 2, but happily take Gears 4

any first party IP that will help the consoles sell millions!

better yet every IP each manufacture owns.