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Forums - Sales Discussion - 10 Week Countdown 2011 - End Results

Damn I didn't think week 3 included the MW3 i'm going to be off so massively for the 360 and PS3 it's not even funny.

Wii looks pretty good though.

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The EMEAA figures certainly took their time.

Edit: I don't have time at this very moment, but I'll get results up within the next 4 hours (or 5 since I made this post).

It's gonna hurt for my results, except X360. Too bad.

Go buy Metroid OTHER M!

Wii code: 6775-1034-2238-1634

PSN: birdie93      XBL: luthor93

3DS: 3909-7597-9889

You can add me, I won't stop you!

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My 360 estimate, higher then everyone elses, is only 2k off to real value.

My PS3 estimate (still strong) is 60k above the real world figure.

It's going to be like this every week I think....

I also overpredicted Wii (but only by 27k) and underpredicted 3DS by 50k....

Maybe it's because I only still play my Wii and 360 and don't own a 3DS that I can predict those console sales accuratly.

What is with all the hate? Don't read GamrReview Articles. Contact me to ADD games to the Database
Vote for the March Most Wanted / February Results

Well... I'm happy with my PS3 numbers at least


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Weekly Hardware Chart 12th November 2011

324,046 1,430 176,993 502,469
142,937 22,785 222,324 388,046
138,278 100,782 137,951 377,011
140,201 12,428 135,404 288,033
63,025 2,157 80,000 145,182
27,781 22,941 78,665 129,387

Ranked by number of units sold worldwide


i dont mean to be an asshole hear but my numbers dont add up to my post i only noticed b/c i clearly remember having the 360 close to 500k for this week and to my surprise the 1st page shows 420k

here was the post with quotations on the numbers that arent the same i should of just made another post instead of editing before the dead line

ps3 270 "325" "390" "400" 780 630 750 940 "1010" 550
360 230 250 "470" 420 "910" "630" "740" "890" "1020" "510"
wii 160 200 280 "365" "750" "610" :720" "830" 950 450
3ds 270 360 410 570 1050 950 1100 1200 1320 650


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Note: TruckOSaurus hasn't entered 3DS prediction and receives a full 100 points. For him the categories that include 3DS are just not relevant.

The tables below are running totals (once I upload a new week these do not represent the week I uploaded them in):

Extra results can be found here:

BHR-3 said:
i dont mean to be an asshole hear but my numbers dont add up to my post i only noticed b/c i clearly remember having the 360 close to 500k for this week and to my surprise the 1st page shows 420k

here was the post with quotations on the numbers that arent the same i should of just made another post instead of editing before the dead line

ps3 270 "325" "390" "400" 780 630 750 940 "1010" 550
360 230 250 "470" 420 "910" "630" "740" "890" "1020" "510"
wii 160 200 280 "365" "750" "610" :720" "830" 950 450
3ds 270 360 410 570 1050 950 1100 1200 1320 650

Going back over the thread on the last day you made adjustments in a new post, which I got in before going to bed. Then I never checked them again as there was no notification that they had been changed. I wonder if there's a way for a mod to see when exactly the last change has been made to that post.

I'm not so sure what to do with this as there's no way for me to check. I could keep them in mind and see what these numbers do after the 10 weeks and/or I could send you my excel sheet. Running these new numbers through now you'd score 18 points Week 3 and 133 in the Overall total.

Non gravity, you should screenshot peoples predictions as it seems some are trying to cheat

Good luck to all, the person that predicted PS3 to be above X360 on BF week, you'll need a LOT of luck.