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Forums - General Discussion - Boy Forced to Live in Forest with Father for 5 Years Found in Germany

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sapphi_snake said:
Player1x3 said:

How do you even know he abused him? We have very little info on the story, and the only thing his father could be charged with, is for putting his kid out of school

Putting the kid out of school, plus isolating him from his friends and from society as a whole, plus making him live in the woods with no roof over his head, no means of proper hygene, no food other than what they could find or steal (he most likely exposed him to criminal activites also), no access to medical facilities, putting the kid at risk of being attacked by wild animals, essentially making the kid live like a wild animal... I'm quite sure this qualifies as child abuse. It's no different if he had kept him locked up in a cage in his basement. The fact that the kid can't even remember much of the ordeal (or before it), shows that he has been seriously traumatized.

Of course, this is true providing it's not all one big joke, like balloon boy.

we don't know if any of that is true, he may did have food and roof over his head.(for a while) . now, the memory loss might tell us something, but living in wilderness isnt bad (look at tarzan) except here, of course, thd kid needed to go to school

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KBG29 said:
Sounds like a great adventure to me. Hopefully society does not ruin him now. He has a chance to use these unique experiences to shed a different light on the world. As long as the people that take him in don't tell him his whole life is a shame, and he did not deserve this, he may turn out fine.

At those saying this is abuse. Sorry, but this is real life. If you want abuse, look no further than these parents that send their kids to school, give them all the essentials and more whether the kid has been deserving or not. These same parents that loose touch with their over pampered train wrecks, yet they continue to fuel the fire by giving the child more and more ammunition. They by them a car, pay for all their gas, dates, insurance, and in some cases schooling. In the end the parents are ready to move on with their own lives, they kept a kid alive tell they were 18 or a college graduate that was the mission right. Hold on though, they forgot one thing. You need more social skills than hanging with friends, and facebooking to make it in the real world.

This may just be a problem right here in western WA, USA, and I hope that's the case, but something has to be done. These 20 year old young adults, still act like 9 year old brats. They can't keep a job, they slack off and think adults are supposed to give them whatever they want. I constantly here this BS about how they should continue to have the world handed to them till at least 30 or 35, and then they should get a job and start a family.

That is child abuse right there in my eyes. Not this story presented in the OP.

An adventure? I'd like to see you spending 5 years in a forest, with no clothes, sanitary units, access to healthcare, food (other than you may be able to catch or get from trees), education or contact with other human beings. Society won't ruin him. The ordeal he's been through already ruined him. And not just psychologically. He'll have to start the 5th or 6th grade again, and he's 17! Due to his isolation, he's probably still got the intellect of 12-year-old. His chance of having a good future are basically ruined.

And EVERY CHILD deserves the essentials (food, clothes, a roof over their head, education). That fact that you'd even think otherwise makes me sick to my stomach. People who aren't capable (or willing) to provide that to a child, shouldn't be having children in the first place.

And can you please tell me what 'social skills' this kid got from living in the forest with  no contact with other humans other than his father? You can't really gain any social skills unless you interact with other people. Or what important life skills did he gained from living like a wild animal? He'll probably never be able to adjust to living in society. 

You seem to have no ideea what you're talking about.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


Player1x3 said:
sapphi_snake said:
Player1x3 said:

How do you even know he abused him? We have very little info on the story, and the only thing his father could be charged with, is for putting his kid out of school

Putting the kid out of school, plus isolating him from his friends and from society as a whole, plus making him live in the woods with no roof over his head, no means of proper hygene, no food other than what they could find or steal (he most likely exposed him to criminal activites also), no access to medical facilities, putting the kid at risk of being attacked by wild animals, essentially making the kid live like a wild animal... I'm quite sure this qualifies as child abuse. It's no different if he had kept him locked up in a cage in his basement. The fact that the kid can't even remember much of the ordeal (or before it), shows that he has been seriously traumatized.

Of course, this is true providing it's not all one big joke, like balloon boy.

we don't know if any of that is true, he may did have food and roof over his head.(for a while) . now, the memory loss might tell us something, but living in wilderness isnt bad (look at tarzan) except here, of course, thd kid needed to go to school

There's no indication that he had any roof over his head. It's also  pretty clear that they were isolated from society. And Tarzan, seriously? I am just gonna pretend that was an attmept to make a joke, since tarzan would've actually died when he was a baby in the real world. It's not just the school part that was a problem. Not by a long shot.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


After reading more about this, I'm getting a strong feeling that at least parts of the boy's story are made up.

- While his tent and his sleeping bag indeed showed signs of camping outdoors, his clothes and fingernails were clean and the boy's overall appearance was well-groomed and well-fed. Quite extraordinary for someone living in the forest for the last five years.
- The boy says he neither remembers his last name, not even the country he came from (he speaks English fluently but hardly any word of german) nor anything else that happened more than five years ago. Yet he remembers his date of birth, his and his mother's first name and the fact that she died five years ago in a car accident.
So according to his story, he lived a rather normal life until the age of 12, but he remembers absolutely nothing about that time yet he perfectly remembers everything since?

Of course I'm not an expert on amnesia, there are probably some really strange cases - but I'm nevertheless sceptic about this story - as are the policemen in Berlin where he turned up. Remember the "piano man" who had a somewhat similar amesia story that turned out to be fake.
And as far as I know, most "real" amnesia people provide a rather confused impression, while this boy doesn't.

The other possibility I see is that maybe his father had a criminal past and was therefor hiding. Since his mother's death, having amnesia and living in the forest all happened pretty much at the same time (five years ago), it seems very plausible that all three incidents are connected. Maybe the father actually killed the mother and then started hiding from the police in the forest. In this case, his seemingly absent memory might be real but rather denial than amnesia.

I... don't see where he was forced to do anything. Misleading title.


If you just mean living in the woods is child abuse.... I guess the aborigines should just be all thrown in jail then.

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sapphi_snake said:
Immortal said:
sapphi_snake said:

If he's father weren't dead he should be locked up in jail for abusing his son in that way.

Abuse? Is there really something wrong with living in the wilderness? Moreover, is there anything illegal about it? Your suggestion is rather intriguing so could you please elaborate?

I have a bad feeling I accidentally skimmed over an important part of the OP because this just seems odd to me, not really wrong.

It's illegal to take a child out of school 'till he graduates the 9th or 10th grade. And forcing your child to abandon school, his friends, isolating him from society and forcing him to live in the woods with no roof over his head, no food, clothes sanitary units etc. is considered child abuse. Not to mention that he most likely exposed the child to criminal activites, by stealing from campers and cabins. I'm quite sure that any social worker would find this an unfit environment for a child to grow up in,and would take the child into custody.

The father was obviously unfit to be a parent, and most likely suffered from some mental disease.

Holy crap there are a lot of assumptions in this post.

I mean, you know that in the wildreness people can find food, make clothes, and live sanitary lives right? 

Also... they lived in a tent.  It's in the article.

Why wouldn't he remember anything? It's not like 5 years in the wood makes you forget who you are.

Here's what I think...IF the kid has indeed been living in the forest for 5 years with his father, I believe the teenager is responsible for his father's death, i.e. he killed him.

Like a poster above said, there are incongruencies in his story. Despite what he says, I think he does remember some of his prior life. After 5 years he must have had enough with his lifestyle and his crazy father (to go live isolated from society in the woods is crazy by definition...though it doesn't really matter by then because crazy is relative to society). He must have wanted to go back to the modern world and experience all that he had been separated from.

His father obviously disagreed. They must have gotten into a fight, but the boy wasn't so small anymore. He ended up killing his father, I want to say in an almost "accidental" way during the fight. After realizing what he had done, he must have panicked for a few hours. Then, once calm, he grabbed his father's compass and threw him off a hill so it would appear he "fell in the woods". Then he journed back to society.

Anyway, that's what I think.

Kasz216 said:
sapphi_snake said:
Immortal said:
sapphi_snake said:

If he's father weren't dead he should be locked up in jail for abusing his son in that way.

Abuse? Is there really something wrong with living in the wilderness? Moreover, is there anything illegal about it? Your suggestion is rather intriguing so could you please elaborate?

I have a bad feeling I accidentally skimmed over an important part of the OP because this just seems odd to me, not really wrong.

It's illegal to take a child out of school 'till he graduates the 9th or 10th grade. And forcing your child to abandon school, his friends, isolating him from society and forcing him to live in the woods with no roof over his head, no food, clothes sanitary units etc. is considered child abuse. Not to mention that he most likely exposed the child to criminal activites, by stealing from campers and cabins. I'm quite sure that any social worker would find this an unfit environment for a child to grow up in,and would take the child into custody.

The father was obviously unfit to be a parent, and most likely suffered from some mental disease.

Holy crap there are a lot of assumptions in this post.

I mean, you know that in the wildreness people can find food, make clothes, and live sanitary lives right? 

Also... they lived in a tent.  It's in the article.

He was taken out of school. He was isolated from society. He was isolated from medical care. They didn't have a stable food supply. How would you say a social worker would evaluate this situation? Do you think it's an approrpiate environment to raise a child?

And your the problem with your aborigine example is that those people actually have a culture and society structure that is simply different from our own. They're allowed to live that way, because it's not right or appropriate to force our culture on them. This however is just a crazy guy who dragged his 12-year-old son to a forest and made him live there for 5 years. And according to our society's standards, what he did is called child abuse, and if he weren't dead, he shouls be rotting in jail about now.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


ArnoldRimmer said:

After reading more about this, I'm getting a strong feeling that at least parts of the boy's story are made up.

- While his tent and his sleeping bag indeed showed signs of camping outdoors, his clothes and fingernails were clean and the boy's overall appearance was well-groomed and well-fed. Quite extraordinary for someone living in the forest for the last five years.
- The boy says he neither remembers his last name, not even the country he came from (he speaks English fluently but hardly any word of german) nor anything else that happened more than five years ago. Yet he remembers his date of birth, his and his mother's first name and the fact that she died five years ago in a car accident.
So according to his story, he lived a rather normal life until the age of 12, but he remembers absolutely nothing about that time yet he perfectly remembers everything since?

Of course I'm not an expert on amnesia, there are probably some really strange cases - but I'm nevertheless sceptic about this story - as are the policemen in Berlin where he turned up. Remember the "piano man" who had a somewhat similar amesia story that turned out to be fake.
And as far as I know, most "real" amnesia people provide a rather confused impression, while this boy doesn't.

The other possibility I see is that maybe his father had a criminal past and was therefor hiding. Since his mother's death, having amnesia and living in the forest all happened pretty much at the same time (five years ago), it seems very plausible that all three incidents are connected. Maybe the father actually killed the mother and then started hiding from the police in the forest. In this case, his seemingly absent memory might be real but rather denial than amnesia.

This is an interesting possibility you've brought up here.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"
