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Forums - General Discussion - Where Do You Live?


Where Do you live?

North America 19 29.69%
South America 2 3.13%
Europe 31 48.44%
Australia/Oceania 2 3.13%
Asia 1 1.56%
Middle East 4 6.25%
Africa 2 3.13%
Antartica 0 0%
No where on Earth 1 1.56%
I'm not telling 1 1.56%

The internet allows us to meet people who we will never meet. It also allows us to talk to different races that we may never get to talk to and give us incite on their lifestyle

I'll start

I live in the U.S the state is Indiana

We have four seasons but for here its different. It gets cold here fast when September comes around but when the 2nd half of February comes  most of the snow is gone. So spring comes early but its not extended.  We have a lot of minorities here but its probably because I'm so close to Chicago.  A lot of people speak Spanish so its funny to play with someone when they don't know it.

Your turn!

Also no giving away your adress. or else you will be banned from my threads

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
Switch is 9th generation. Everyone else is playing on last gen systems! UPDATE: This is no longer true

Biggest pikmin fan on VGchartz I won from a voting poll
I am not a nerd. I am enthusiast.  EN-THU-SI-AST!
Do Not Click here or else I will call on the eye of shinning justice on you. 

Around the Network

I live in Mexico city.

The city is huge, I live in the southwest part, and very rarely visit the northern parts. Actually, I don't know most of the north (which is a very industrial part).

Ireland, Kildare

Emm weather is all over ther place, in the middle of a small hurricane right now and expecting snow in the next few weeks.

I live in Fort Worth, Texas and currently living through the hottest summer on record tomorrow will be the 70th day with 100 degree (38 Celsius) or higher temperature which will break the record of 69 days in 1980.

I live in Anchorage, Alaska

Around the Network

Ontario, Canada

In Gotham's Cemetery

Washington Heights New York!!!!!! We got the best chicks, the best food, and some of the best entertainment in the world!!!!

"I don't know what this Yamcha is, but it sounds just like Raditz."

I live in the Twin Cities in Minnesota. We have 3 seasons here. Winter, Almost Winter and Road Construction season.

If you don't mind tons of snow and ice during the Winter Minnesota is a great place to live.

Oh and it can also get really hot up here. We get over 100 degrees sometimes and its usually horribly humid (damn corn) so when you add the two things can get pretty miserable.

New Zealand, which is not included in anywhere in that list.

Change Australia to Australasia or the even more inclusive (as the Pacific islands aren't represented either) Oceania.