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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Will operation Rainfall 2 have any better luck?

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It's time to reign NoA in altogether. They're just... lazy, in more ways than in localizations. It always feels like they're not doing anything, and that's not a factor of leadership, that's a factor of hierarchical regulations from within Nintendo

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

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It's disappointing to know that a company I love is hindered in my region of the world...

Mr Khan said:
It's time to reign NoA in altogether. They're just... lazy, in more ways than in localizations. It always feels like they're not doing anything, and that's not a factor of leadership, that's a factor of hierarchical regulations from within Nintendo

Agree with you bro, it does feel like NoA is doing nothing lol.


Doesn't matter to me at this point I'm homebrewing my Wii after I buy my final VC games and giving my money to NoE.

Former something....

My Wii is already homebrewed and I still dont have a reson to touch it, owned every nintendo console including lots of Game and Watches, but think this is my last.

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Blacksaber said:
Doesn't matter to me at this point I'm homebrewing my Wii after I buy my final VC games and giving my money to NoE.

Thus driving up NoE sales making NoA grow some balls and decide to bring them to the Americas.  However, NoA will complain that sales are low since most people that wanted the games probably went down your route (double-edge sword).

Launch Op. Import the damn games instead.


RolStoppable said:
Xen said:
Launch Op. Import the damn games instead.

Exactly. If it's so easy to override region coding with homebrew, then by all means people should go for it.

Yep! I did it for two friends.


We have to admit it, if a company wants to do crap* with a franchise they own; it doesn't matter how many ranting fans could make, they will still make the crap* they want.

*Crap: Something you think is bad for the company, but according to the company´s agenda it is good.

I bet they are not releasing the game in US because they will most probably make an HD port with "trophievements", for the WiiU and will sell it for 60 bucks. US user will buy the new console at launch, and will buy the game because they couldn't play it before.

I think they are going to do this in order to assure a great start for the WiiU in the US; a country in which Xbox is king. And they are not doing this in Europe or Japan because, because, even though the PS3 is King there, the difference in sales is not so big.