HAHA! Seece those pet diaries were hilarious! XD The cat one was perfect... almost too perfect...
HAHA! Seece those pet diaries were hilarious! XD The cat one was perfect... almost too perfect...
man-bear-pig said:
Huh? Book = hair? I thought it was a tiny safe that was pointless because it's so small and could just be lifted and stolen... MINDFuCkED! |
Wow, got mindfucked by JEMC's "what do you see" comment.
Guess it's suitable that I made the "Got a dirty mind" thread
menx64 said:
Invalid. "Native" Americans are just commies that crossed the land bridge 10,000 years ago.
I'm just gonna go ahead and unleash all my atheism in one post :P (Some or even lots are probably reposts but the amount of fucks I give is currently below zero and is forecasted not to raise anytime soon)
lol, brave THE1, I do wonder how religious people get around some of those conundrums though.
Yeah, indeed. It's a freakin' disaster religion (or well, the mainstream religions at least) still exists even after all scientific progress.
Be careful THE1, I posted some religious pics a while ago and some people didn't like it. But just remember to post this:
And now more pics!
Japan, the place where WTF! is usual.
Please excuse my bad English.
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