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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Wii owners continue to fund Ubisoft's HD games


How do you feel about the way Ubisoft does business?

Smart move, Ubisoft. 28 19.31%
I would do the same, if I were in charge. 19 13.10%
Love you, Ubisoft! 7 4.83%
Suck it up, Nintendrones! 24 16.55%
Ubisoft: "Wii screw U." 67 46.21%

this all Nintendo's fault!! they didn't make the games for the 3rd parties so how can we expect anything good from them?

with a few exceptions of course....

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

Around the Network
padib said:
oniyide said:
padib said:

It wouldn't be funny either way. Plus, what makes anyone think AC couldn't have been made on the Wii? That's laughable. If they were able to make one on the DS (yes it sucked), I'm sure they could easily make one on the Wii.

Guys, HD <> Good. HD = High Def, that's it!

I never said that you counldnt make an AC game for Wii, im saying that one couldnt be made for the Wii that would be like the HD ones, at least without having to cut back on a lot of features, therefore the game would suck at worse or be not even close to actual games.

Its not about Higt Def, its about having hardware that can run certain games, the HDs can and the PCs can, the Wii cannot, its simple, its not Ubi's fault

I don't see the features you would lose in AC. I can understand if you're talking about COD, where it's important to see guys really far and be able to shoot them, so the higher resolution is important. But even if you're talking about processing power, what features are you refering to?

And anyway, when a PC can run a game a console can't, it's almost always a visual thing (graphics), not a logic processing thing. So I don't see the game features you'd lose honestly. I admit I may be wrong here. Honest question. And to clarify, I havn't played enough of the game to tell, hence the question.

it would be like Dead rising


padib said:
At the same time, though Oniyide, you have to admit that what they lose in certain features, given the same time and budget, they can invest in other things that can also bring in more immersion. An example would be Wind Waker. Granted it wouldn't give the same game, but it would be part of the same series. That's like having a movie on paperback, on DVD and on VG. One is not better than the other, just a different adaptation. I think you see what I mean.

That wouldnt suck, but it wouldnt be Assassin's Creed, so Wii owners would still not get the experience, but it would be better than nothing

o_O.Q said:
RolStoppable said:
o_O.Q said:

ubisoft is making an exclusive assassin's creed for wii u :

in addition to a brand new ip exclusive to wii u


yup ubisoft does nothing but screw over nintendo gamers... 

Yes, and the Wii got exclusive Soul Calibur, Castlevania, Resident Evil and Dead Space games. Way to prove your point.

And Killer Freaks has the potential to be nothing more than the Wii U's Red Steel.

so therefore now you've aknowledged that developers did indeed throw significant effort behind the wii i must ask whats your point?

the wii could not handle the full soul calibur 4 or assassins creed or... so therefore specialised games were made exclusively for the wii in their place

"And Killer Freaks has the potential to be nothing more than the Wii U's Red Steel."

criticising a game before its been revealed properly... ok

There's an Assassin's Creed game and a Soul Calubur game on PSP. Real ones, unlike Soul Calibur Legends or whatever it was called.


padib said:
Can you really compare DR to AC? The number of simultaneous enemies is much less in AC from what I remember. I could be wrong.

In a way you can the big difference is that Assasin's creed needs a more powerfull machine to run than dead rising.  The first gameplay about assasin's creed areleady had huge masses of people, the idea of dissapearing into a crowd will be hard to handle with the Wii's power....  A city like florence with only a handfull habitants would be awkward;.


Around the Network
Galaki said:
o_O.Q said:
Galaki said:
o_O.Q said:
Galaki said:
o_O.Q said:

stuff like dlc that can't be done on the wii

Are you going to back that up with facts?

how many wii games have dlc and whats the point of dlc on a large scale without a harddrive?

Now, you're just twisting your own words.

yes what i said earlier was an exaggeration i'm sorry that you took it so literally

Oh. Now you're just playing the shift the blame game.

nope as i said i'm sorry you took my exaggeration so seriously... i don't understand whats so difficult to understand about that

.:Dark Prince:. said:
o_O.Q said:
RolStoppable said:
o_O.Q said:

ubisoft is making an exclusive assassin's creed for wii u :

in addition to a brand new ip exclusive to wii u


yup ubisoft does nothing but screw over nintendo gamers... 

Yes, and the Wii got exclusive Soul Calibur, Castlevania, Resident Evil and Dead Space games. Way to prove your point.

And Killer Freaks has the potential to be nothing more than the Wii U's Red Steel.

so therefore now you've aknowledged that developers did indeed throw significant effort behind the wii i must ask whats your point?

the wii could not handle the full soul calibur 4 or assassins creed or... so therefore specialised games were made exclusively for the wii in their place

"And Killer Freaks has the potential to be nothing more than the Wii U's Red Steel."

criticising a game before its been revealed properly... ok

There's an Assassin's Creed game and a Soul Calubur game on PSP. Real ones, unlike Soul Calibur Legends or whatever it was called.

given the controller how would a developer get a conventional form of soul calibur to run on the wii? as a console based on motion controls i guess the devs wanted to utilise the feature which obviously woulodn't have worked for conventional soul calibur... as far assassin's creed i wouldn't call the psp version a "real" version but the original question arises how would devs get assassin's creed to work with motion that is the wii's main feature? and this s without considering the power limitations

o_O.Q said:
Galaki said:
o_O.Q said:
Galaki said:
o_O.Q said:
Galaki said:
o_O.Q said:

stuff like dlc that can't be done on the wii

Are you going to back that up with facts?

how many wii games have dlc and whats the point of dlc on a large scale without a harddrive?

Now, you're just twisting your own words.

yes what i said earlier was an exaggeration i'm sorry that you took it so literally

Oh. Now you're just playing the shift the blame game.

nope as i said i'm sorry you took my exaggeration so seriously... i don't understand whats so difficult to understand about that

Exaggeration? It's outright denial. Surely, you know the difference between "cannot be done" and "don't want to do it". That's misinformation.

You're not going to tell me English isn't your first language next, are you?

Galaki said:
o_O.Q said:
Galaki said:
o_O.Q said:
Galaki said:
o_O.Q said:
Galaki said:
o_O.Q said:

stuff like dlc that can't be done on the wii

Are you going to back that up with facts?

how many wii games have dlc and whats the point of dlc on a large scale without a harddrive?

Now, you're just twisting your own words.

yes what i said earlier was an exaggeration i'm sorry that you took it so literally

Oh. Now you're just playing the shift the blame game.

nope as i said i'm sorry you took my exaggeration so seriously... i don't understand whats so difficult to understand about that

Exaggeration? It's outright denial. Surely, you know the difference between "cannot be done" and "don't want to do it". That's misinformation.

You're not going to tell me English isn't your first language next, are you?

actually it is i'm sorry that my grasp of the english language isn't up to your high standards my good man... from this day forth i shall be sure to dedicate myself to following your example of perfect communications skills

but regardless it doesn't change the fact that the wii hardware is not designed to facilitate the use of dlc or at least not to the extent where devs have felt the need to support it

RolStoppable said:
o_O.Q said:
.:Dark Prince:. said:

There's an Assassin's Creed game and a Soul Calubur game on PSP. Real ones, unlike Soul Calibur Legends or whatever it was called.

given the controller how would a developer get a conventional form of soul calibur to run on the wii? as a console based on motion controls i guess the devs wanted to utilise the feature which obviously woulodn't have worked for conventional soul calibur... as far assassin's creed i wouldn't call the psp version a "real" version but the original question arises how would devs get assassin's creed to work with motion that is the wii's main feature? and this s without considering the power limitations

Classic Controller support, problem solved.

is a nonstandard controller on the wii meaning that not all wii owners own one but thats not even the main issue the main issue is that the most touted feature of the wii is the controls why is a dev going to disregard them completely in a game for the wii?