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RolStoppable said:
o_O.Q said:
.:Dark Prince:. said:

There's an Assassin's Creed game and a Soul Calubur game on PSP. Real ones, unlike Soul Calibur Legends or whatever it was called.

given the controller how would a developer get a conventional form of soul calibur to run on the wii? as a console based on motion controls i guess the devs wanted to utilise the feature which obviously woulodn't have worked for conventional soul calibur... as far assassin's creed i wouldn't call the psp version a "real" version but the original question arises how would devs get assassin's creed to work with motion that is the wii's main feature? and this s without considering the power limitations

Classic Controller support, problem solved.

is a nonstandard controller on the wii meaning that not all wii owners own one but thats not even the main issue the main issue is that the most touted feature of the wii is the controls why is a dev going to disregard them completely in a game for the wii?