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padib said:
oniyide said:
padib said:

It wouldn't be funny either way. Plus, what makes anyone think AC couldn't have been made on the Wii? That's laughable. If they were able to make one on the DS (yes it sucked), I'm sure they could easily make one on the Wii.

Guys, HD <> Good. HD = High Def, that's it!

I never said that you counldnt make an AC game for Wii, im saying that one couldnt be made for the Wii that would be like the HD ones, at least without having to cut back on a lot of features, therefore the game would suck at worse or be not even close to actual games.

Its not about Higt Def, its about having hardware that can run certain games, the HDs can and the PCs can, the Wii cannot, its simple, its not Ubi's fault

I don't see the features you would lose in AC. I can understand if you're talking about COD, where it's important to see guys really far and be able to shoot them, so the higher resolution is important. But even if you're talking about processing power, what features are you refering to?

And anyway, when a PC can run a game a console can't, it's almost always a visual thing (graphics), not a logic processing thing. So I don't see the game features you'd lose honestly. I admit I may be wrong here. Honest question. And to clarify, I havn't played enough of the game to tell, hence the question.

it would be like Dead rising