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o_O.Q said:
RolStoppable said:
o_O.Q said:

ubisoft is making an exclusive assassin's creed for wii u :

in addition to a brand new ip exclusive to wii u


yup ubisoft does nothing but screw over nintendo gamers... 

Yes, and the Wii got exclusive Soul Calibur, Castlevania, Resident Evil and Dead Space games. Way to prove your point.

And Killer Freaks has the potential to be nothing more than the Wii U's Red Steel.

so therefore now you've aknowledged that developers did indeed throw significant effort behind the wii i must ask whats your point?

the wii could not handle the full soul calibur 4 or assassins creed or... so therefore specialised games were made exclusively for the wii in their place

"And Killer Freaks has the potential to be nothing more than the Wii U's Red Steel."

criticising a game before its been revealed properly... ok

There's an Assassin's Creed game and a Soul Calubur game on PSP. Real ones, unlike Soul Calibur Legends or whatever it was called.