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Forums - Movies & TV - "The AMAZING Spider-Man" First Trailer -- IN HD NOW!

Spider-Man FPS, confirmed?

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All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

I'm actually really excited for this movie. The 3rd Spidey film was one of the worst movies I've ever seen in my life. I mean it was straight up awful. The first two were pretty good though.

My only problem with it is it seems a bit soon to do a reboot but hell I'm still on board.


thats cus the Hulk films were ok not great, while spider man 1,2 are considered great films, while spider-man 3 is mixed at worst.

The problem is a reboot this early wasn't needed, not when SM1,2,3 is stil fresh in everyones mind.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

I saw D21 Lewis's comment.

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Meh, I'm sure I'm going to see it and I do like reboots/remakes (can't wait for Evil Dead remake) but I'm always a little annoyed with super hero movie reboots because it means we have to sit through another origin movie. I've seen the Spider-Man origin 20 times, I don't really need to see it again.

pezus said:

So do we think Amazing Spider-Man will be a quality film or what? The first person view looked obviously CG at times to me :/, hope they'll fix it before release (if they'll even be in the movie)

The actors have proven to be very good at acting. The director is an acclaimed one (even though I hated 500 Days of Tortur..ergh Summer)

It will probably be better in quality, but not more fun.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

The Mirror Edge part looked cheap and fake, me thinks

twesterm said:
Meh, I'm sure I'm going to see it and I do like reboots/remakes (can't wait for Evil Dead remake) but I'm always a little annoyed with super hero movie reboots because it means we have to sit through another origin movie. I've seen the Spider-Man origin 20 times, I don't really need to see it again.

Especially considering that the first Spider-Man movie was released just a decade ago.

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No foe in the trailer wow, what is this the dark ages. I'll bet venom will be in it. And tell me that is the new Mary Jane.