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Forums - Politics Discussion - Can a movement similar to fascism emerge in the US?


Can a movement similar to fascism emerge in the US?

Yes 67 56.78%
No 21 17.80%
Not a "movement sim... 27 22.88%

If anyone's going to lead a rebellion it'll be me.


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badgenome said:
sethnintendo said:

I'm just wondering what tax hikes you are talking about? 

The tax hikes the Democrats want as a part of the debt ceiling deal, of course. I'm not sure why you're confused about that. Brooks says Republicans are being foolish and fanatical not to take the Democrats' offer, but this is an old game. Until Democrats offer specific cuts, promising $3 or 4 trillion (or even $40 trillion) in theoretical cuts down the line means nothing.

I thought they had at least some specific cuts up there, one i recall being closing down a loophole for double coverage under Medicare's Prescription Drug program

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Mr Khan said:
badgenome said:
sethnintendo said:

I'm just wondering what tax hikes you are talking about? 

The tax hikes the Democrats want as a part of the debt ceiling deal, of course. I'm not sure why you're confused about that. Brooks says Republicans are being foolish and fanatical not to take the Democrats' offer, but this is an old game. Until Democrats offer specific cuts, promising $3 or 4 trillion (or even $40 trillion) in theoretical cuts down the line means nothing.

I thought they had at least some specific cuts up there, one i recall being closing down a loophole for double coverage under Medicare's Prescription Drug program

They may have had some, but they haven't come out with anything resembling a plan. And as always, it's hard to take anything they say seriously when it's the same old "We can identify billions in Medicare fraud and waste!" song and dance. Oh really? Well, if you can do that, then you should have fixed that shit a long time ago, you driveling dickbags. The fact that they tolerate such a thing until they can use it as a bargaining chip may be the single most maddening thing about this entire debate.

Mr Khan said:
badgenome said:
sethnintendo said:

I'm just wondering what tax hikes you are talking about? 

The tax hikes the Democrats want as a part of the debt ceiling deal, of course. I'm not sure why you're confused about that. Brooks says Republicans are being foolish and fanatical not to take the Democrats' offer, but this is an old game. Until Democrats offer specific cuts, promising $3 or 4 trillion (or even $40 trillion) in theoretical cuts down the line means nothing.

I thought they had at least some specific cuts up there, one i recall being closing down a loophole for double coverage under Medicare's Prescription Drug program

From what I've seen, the vast majority of the 3/4 Trillion in "Cuts" are just dishonest accounting ...

Effectively, if you project economic growth at 5% per year with interest rates remaining at close to 0% and make "cuts" that project growth in government to 3% per year then you "cuts" over a 10 year period represent trillions in "savings". Unfortunately, these projections are unrealistically optimistic and even with these "Cuts" economic growth may be closer to 2% or 3% per year, interest rates will likely increase dramatically, and the growth in government will not be contained, which will result in a skyrocketing deficit and debt load.

A little does of fascism could do this country good

ǝןdɯıs ʇı dǝǝʞ oʇ ǝʞıן ı ʍouʞ noʎ 

Ask me about being an elitist jerk

Time for hype

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Obama has been as close to Facism as we've come in a long time.
and with indoctrination centers like Universities and "news" stations like MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, and CNN. they try to block out all dissent and vilify all opposition wit out any facts. they are in bed with the government and are pretty much an arm of the democratic party.

but no we wont be Fascists because luckily we have had citizen revolts like the tea party pushing for smaller less totalitarian goverment. and we have news stations that actually show both sides of isssues like FOX news instead of being spoon fed what this administration tells them, they actually are fair in providing both sides

also thank God for sane people like the guy in the last video of the OP. we need people with common sense like him.
people need to realize that we wont defalt on the debt we have enough revenue to pay the interest on the debt.
and what happen to the claim that we have a social security trust fund. funny how they arent claiming that any more. its because they have been lying for years, there is no trust fund SS is broke. Government stole our money, they literally stole it, they tax us then take it, and waste it.
there is no need tho raise the debt ceiling, all our debt can be paid, we just have to cut spending.
even Keynesian economics say you shouldnt raise taxes in a recession..
Unfortunately we have a biased unimind news corp that lies to peoples faces, and dont report the facts like FOX news does

sethnintendo said:
snakenobi said:
sethnintendo said:
snakenobi said:

USA moving off wars and oil would actually increase the cost at home in the short term which people just aren't ready to let happen

this is the ill effect of a globalised economy that somebody has to's globalised system makes industrailized nations live easy and slave other countries and they don't feel like getting out of that easy lifestyle

I was just wondering how would not going to war increase the cost of the defense budget?

sure it would


but you don't understand that for somebody to live easy,others have to work


for somebody to enjoy more of your money's worth,somebody else wealth has to have lower significance


Americas power is a great weapon.

a simple question,do you really think USA just goes into Egypt or iraq for war?

every war has to have some aim

I know every war has other motives.  War only benefits a few companies and doesn't help the overall economy at all.  A big war like WW2 helps out the overall economy but having a few individual companies making sophisticated weapons (modern warfare) barely benefits a few.  The only companies I see benefiting from USA's two most recent wars would be Halliburton, Lockhead Martin, Boeing, and a few others.  The oil companies might benefit if we can trick the Iraqi's into privatizing their oil fields.  Pretty much the main reason why we went into Iraq.

exactly so that fact does help as those corporations have a huge part in the political factor of the companies.

during war not only the those companies benefit but all of the country's attention is diverted,so many others also yield benefits.

and what usa does around the world benefits them alot,they pay all these war-torn and poor countries later with monetary you would say that is a good thing but all it is doing is creating a globalized economy where they are enslaving these small countries to work for them.

in the short term this will be fine but when a leader stands up from one of these countries then they have had it

HappySqurriel said:
Mr Khan said:
HappySqurriel said:

Fascism and socialism/communism takes hold in countries because a charismatic leader comes to power and promises to solve all your social or economic problems; and never once are the jackboots and political oppression these individuals will face mentioned. While I wouldn't say Obama is a fascist, I think his presidency demonstrates how big of a risk there is for Fascism in the United States; and it also offers a glimmer of hope that the United States has some form of inoculation against fascism ...



To a certain extent conservatives tend to choose their leaders based on what they see as the best of bad choices, and there is rarely any belief that their leaders are smarter or better than can really be demonstrated. In contrast, progressive leaders are often put on a pedestal and elevated to the level of a "rock star" and are rarely questioned on the substance of their plans; and Obama has been elevated to a level far above typical political leaders to where it is more correct to say that people see him as the "messiah". This has created an environment where the media and a large portion of the voting base believes everything he says and follows him without question regardless of what he is doing. While I don't see him doing this, the kind of power this gives a leader could allow him to erode the essential rights away from individuals until the USA was a fascist state.

What I believe may demonstrate the US is inoculated from this fate is how independent voters, libertarians and conservatives are willing to stand up to the media and fight against the growth in power of the state. While it is obvious that a large portion of conservatives are motivated more by partisanship than principle, the fact that independent voters and libertarians are willing to make a stand in the face of unsupported and unfair claims that they’re "racist" is reason to be optimistic.

This i sincerely disagree with. Conservatives are always looking for their messiah too, namely their dead messiah Reagan (who was much more moderate than the Tea Party would be willing to tolerate today), and many conservatives seem to blindly put their faith in "the entrepreneur," or "the rich," people who have greater reasons to be purely self-interested yet have no true proof of actually being smarter or better able than the rest of us


Fascism and Communism are not bad ideas (well, fascism also has a dim, darwinian view of human nature), it's just that no-one has resolved the problems that human nature poses against them (namely that a self-interested elite without any sort of tilt against them will inevitably emerge, diluting the ideology that got them in their position in the first place, like the incredibly bureaucratic Soviet Union of the Brezhnev years). For now democracy is the best bet we have to hedge against our pessimistic view of human nature, but it's not necessarily the best overall

On the topic of Charasmatic leaders portrayed as a Mesiah ... Since I was old enough to start paying attention to politics (about 20 years ago) there hasn't really been any charasmatic conservative leaders who were portrayed as a rock star or messiah like figure in any western country I can think of, and yet in every country I can think of there have been several instances of political figures on the left being portrayed in this way. It doesn't matter though, my core point was the elevation of a political figure to this level is the problem not which party does it more.

Berlusconi? Sarkozy? I'm pretty sue they're both portrayed as rock starts. And don't Conservatives in the US worship Raegan?

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


osamanobama said:
Obama has been as close to Facism as we've come in a long time.
and with indoctrination centers like Universities and "news" stations like MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, and CNN. they try to block out all dissent and vilify all opposition wit out any facts. they are in bed with the government and are pretty much an arm of the democratic party.

but no we wont be Fascists because luckily we have had citizen revolts like the tea party pushing for smaller less totalitarian goverment. and we have news stations that actually show both sides of isssues like FOX news instead of being spoon fed what this administration tells them, they actually are fair in providing both sides

And you want to be taken seriously (regarding the part in italics)? As for the underlined, anti-intelectualism is one of the first symptoms of an iminent dictatorship.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"
