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Forums - Sales Discussion - June NPD - X360 507k, 3DS 143k, Wii 273k, PS3 276k~ DS 386k

red_dragon said:
Carl2291 said:!/michaelpachter

Good point by @NicolasVerge, the 507k Xbox figure included all of the "free" 360s given away under the Windows 7 PC promotion.

So yeah. Those free 360's are in the 507k figure, it's just nobody knows how many

Can't be a lot based on that it was only for Best Buy and they did it for certain models of HP and Dell ($700).

It wasn't just Best Buy, but it was just for certain models, yes. I'm thinking it was a shitload, if I was gonna get a new computer I would get one where I could get a free second 360.

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Carl2291 said:!/michaelpachter

Good point by @NicolasVerge, the 507k Xbox figure included all of the "free" 360s given away under the Windows 7 PC promotion.

So yeah. Those free 360's are in the 507k figure, it's just nobody knows how many

They were giving away 360s with new PCs? I was unaware of that. Damn, and I've been thinking about upgrading my ancient desktop for a while. We don't know how many were sold with this promotion but it would be a bit of a double standard if VGC tracked them since we don't track the PS3s given away with Bravias down in Australia.

Proudest Platinums:
1. Gran Turismo 5
2. Persona 4 Arena
3. Wipeout HD
4. Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
5. Super Street Fighter 4

Amazing results. This is what I was waiting for. To see NoA drop so low that perhaps NCL will react in a punishing way or maybe it's a wake up call for them. Either ways, the other companies deserve this victory. Congratulations, specially MS.

Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

Fullfilled Prophecies

ElGranCabeza said:
red_dragon said:
Carl2291 said:!/michaelpachter

Good point by @NicolasVerge, the 507k Xbox figure included all of the "free" 360s given away under the Windows 7 PC promotion.

So yeah. Those free 360's are in the 507k figure, it's just nobody knows how many

Can't be a lot based on that it was only for Best Buy and they did it for certain models of HP and Dell ($700).

It wasn't just Best Buy, but it was just for certain models, yes. I'm thinking it was a shitload, if I was gonna get a new computer I would get one where I could get a free second 360.

The only retail stores to do the deal was Micrsoft store and Best Buy. THe only other way to do it was on and

The offer is available to online shoppers who buy a PC from,, or Microsoft's online store. Those who want to head to a retail outlet can find the deal at Best Buy or Microsoft's stores.

Just want to play good games

I straight up said over the past couple weeks that I thought hardware was off all aross the baord and people tried to chew me out.

Around the Network
BenVTrigger said:
I straight up said over the past couple weeks that I thought hardware was off all aross the baord and people tried to chew me out.

To be fair, you didn't tell us about the DS doing strangly well! :P (As in you were right about the other things, but you didn' know what I mean). 


donsterydo2 said:
On that laptop deal bullshit (from gaf):

"There were only 3 vendors where the purchases quailified for the promotion, Best Buy, Dell and HP. And it had to be a $700 and up purchase and even then Dell and HP limited it to only specific models. And you had to purchase it with a valid student ID. So this was a very small subset of the laptops purchased in the month." needed a student ID?

'We expect Xbox 360 to maintain its lead and to be number one worldwide by the end of the year, selling more hardware units than PlayStation and Wii. '

'With the holiday season and major launches just around the corner, the second half of 2011 promises to make Xbox 360 history.'


Nsanity said:
donsterydo2 said:
On that laptop deal bullshit (from gaf):

"There were only 3 vendors where the purchases quailified for the promotion, Best Buy, Dell and HP. And it had to be a $700 and up purchase and even then Dell and HP limited it to only specific models. And you had to purchase it with a valid student ID. So this was a very small subset of the laptops purchased in the month." needed a student ID?

Well most microsoft student promotions either require valid student ID, or student email (online). 


well , the wii was overtracked as expected