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What do you think the future of this thread should be

Comparing Third Party Series 21 36.21%
Comparing Third Party Games 16 27.59%
Locked 20 34.48%

When I think back to the PS3 in future years, I'll be thinking of the opening sequence from GoW III...

The ''R3 + L3'' prompt brought screams of delight to my buddies...

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how many hours we should wait till the final showdown is upon us (MGS4 vs GOWIII) ?? I think it is quite obvious that GOWIII will triumph against Halo Reach.

CGI-Quality said:
dsage01 keeps talking about surprising results, but this is the first comparison where the results truly shock me. I never expected Reach to get slaughtered like that...

you are not surpise when god of war 3 kill uncharted 2?????

Waiting for the FINAL EVENT!!!!

though decision :S

kickazz113 said:
worldlyfall said:
kickazz113 said:
Michael-5 said:
Halo.....Reach? Wow already 22 to 4, including my vote..

Don't need to say much, 10 hour single player game versus 100 hour single/co-op/multiplayer game. There is a reason why Halo games often get 95/100 or greater reviews, and sell 10 million units plus, no matter what forum users try to say.

its metacritisc score its 9.1 jaja lower than little big planet 2 and it sold 8 million lol not even 10 yet

Such as child cannot even spell. Are your saying Little Big Planet is a better game than Halo?  And even if you are why, there two totally different games, apple and oranges dude. Plus why are you laughing at Reach's sales they are better than any playstation exclusive and after 11 months of being on the market is still inside Vg weekly sales charts.


Anyways my pick would have to be Halo Reach. Thousands of hours of pretty much the best console FPS vs. 12 hours or so of the best hack and slash. I go with more bang for my buck.

lolol if u wanna troll then troll harder and im not laughting at it it hasnt reach 10 million but someone made a false statement said it did, so learn how to read :(

I am not trolling, i thought you were laughing at the fact Reach sold 8.5 million units not what the other guy claimed, like i said before use commas or something to make yourself more clear. People make mistakes.

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Reach gets my vote here.

MGS gets my vote next round.


CGI-Quality said:
Carl2291 said:
Reach gets my vote here.

MGS gets my vote next round.

Not a God of War fan I take it?

On the contrary. judging by his profile page, I would assume he likes the series quite a bit...

Now, if I take myself as an example, I'll go for MGS4 as well.  Not because I'm not a fan of GoW, as I am, but because although I'm a fan of GoW and greatly enjoyed GoW3, I'm also a fan of MGS and liked MGS4 more than I did GoW3. ^_-

You don't necessarily have to hate the game for which you vote "against". 

CGI-Quality said:
Hynad said:
CGI-Quality said:
Carl2291 said:
Reach gets my vote here.

MGS gets my vote next round.

Not a God of War fan I take it?

Maybe he is or maybe he isnt.

If I take myself as an example, I'll go for MGS4 as well.  Not because I'm not a fan of GoW, as I am, but because although I'm a fan of GoW and greatly enjoyed GoW3, I'm also a fan of MGS and liked MGS4 more than I did GoW3. ^_-

You don't necessarily have to hate the game for which you vote "against". 

Actually I quoted him because he seemed to want to vote otherwise in both cases, which really was more of poking fun @ him than branding him "a hater". I too like MGS4 more than God of War III, so I'm not necessarily saying his decision to not vote for it is wrong or bad.

Things aren't always what they seem.

I know what you mean, but I've replied the way I did because throughout the thread, a lot of people came to those kind of conclusions.  And it's been bothering me a bit.

CGI-Quality said:
Hynad said:
CGI-Quality said:
Hynad said:
CGI-Quality said:
Carl2291 said:
Reach gets my vote here.

MGS gets my vote next round.

Not a God of War fan I take it?

Maybe he is or maybe he isnt.

If I take myself as an example, I'll go for MGS4 as well.  Not because I'm not a fan of GoW, as I am, but because although I'm a fan of GoW and greatly enjoyed GoW3, I'm also a fan of MGS and liked MGS4 more than I did GoW3. ^_-

You don't necessarily have to hate the game for which you vote "against". 

Actually I quoted him because he seemed to want to vote otherwise in both cases, which really was more of poking fun @ him than branding him "a hater". I too like MGS4 more than God of War III, so I'm not necessarily saying his decision to not vote for it is wrong or bad.

Things aren't always what they seem.

I know what you mean, but I've replied the way I did because throughout the thread, a lot of people came to those kind of conclusions.  And it's been bothering me a bit.

Then you should take it up with those individuals. I, again, drew no conclusion (even putting a there so he knew it was to poke fun at him as I already know his tastes).

I don't think I was being aggressive in tone, at all, in my replies to you... No need to be defensive. 

GOW because its epic story, gameplay, death of the gods.