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What do you think the future of this thread should be

Comparing Third Party Series 21 36.21%
Comparing Third Party Games 16 27.59%
Locked 20 34.48%
dsage01 said:
CGI-Quality said:
dsage01 said:
pezus said:
Reasonable said:
Damn those Sony fans... another unfair close call.

Why? It's not like Heavy Rain isn't a great game

It's a good game but it coming even close to Halo is very odd.

I don't get this place sometimes...

- On one hand, "VG Chartz is full of Sony fanboys, so it makes sense that the comparisons are heavily skewed".

- On the other hand, "[insert PS3 exclusive her] is a good game, but coming close to [insert Xbox 360 exclusive here} is very odd.

In truth, despite the difference in popularity in most of these comparison's cases, one forum out of billions on the internet is hardly indicative of just how popular many of these titles are. Therefore, nothing about the results are odd, especially considering people can vote without posting. In fact, the only things odd here are some of these comparions in the first place - but then again, I'm sure by now you knew that.

Yes I admit this site is biased but a game coming close to Xbox 360's best selling exclusive franchise is just plain weird. And that too Halo. It's got great reviews by people and critics. And Heavy Rain is just good. So I would still expect 20-10 despite all the Sony fanboys on this site.

srry i don't get why its weird.

at the end of the day the results are still going to be based on opinions. one can never factualy state that HALO is better then Heavy Rain, and if you do say one is better then i'd tell you to prove it without reveiws and links to other opinions.

lol but I think in this case the word "multiplayer defines it all"

Around the Network
kickazz113 said:
Michael-5 said:
dsage01 said:
Michael-5 said:
brendude13 said:

More active PS3 users, more hardcore gamers on PS3 who are likely to use gaming websites or just generally people who prefer the PS3, whether they own both consoles or not.

Basically, because the PS3 exclusives tend to be more popular on this website, people are pointing it out as if it's some kind of fanboy infestation, when there isn't.

I agree with the second point, but not the first.

Maybe 360 owners are just playing their games instead of being here? It would explain higher software sales and active XBL users over PSN, but less users on this website.

I think it's just some websites are more strongly MS oriented, others Sony. Simple as that.

Well Xbox fans are scatterd all over youtube, gamespot e.t.c. But I see PS owners get more deeper into things such as sales. But I find the PS3 audince older than the people who buy the 360. I don't hear no kids screaming on my ear in games like GT, Killzone, and hardly in Uncharted  like I do in Halo and occasionally Gears of War too. So I really don't think that kids would be intrested in sales sites such as these.

That could be it. When I joined VGC I was always confused why there were more PS3 fans on a sales website (360 is beating PS3 after all), but age might play a role. I mean when I played the UC3 beta I heard just as many kids over the mics as in a typical Halo game, but I think less kids are interested in something like Killzone, and I know SOCOM has an older audience. Then again, how many are interested in Forza and Alan Wake? I know Left 4 Dead 2 had a young audience surprisingly, so I agree with this.

Also because 360 is largely popular in British Empire countries, I bet websites more focused on news in specific countries (like USA) are likely the ones more popular with 360 fans.

ps3 is beating xbox worldwide you cant denay that, even to active user base. and no i think ur lying, whenever i play uc3, there are NO kids screaming, i only heard ppl cussing thats all. so yeah

That link you gave leads to "Page not Found."

I only played UC3 demo for about an hour, it's not my type of MP game. UC, like Metroid Prime, should stick to single player IMO, but MP will help sales. As for Kids screaming, that's what I experienced. However I tend to play games online between 2-5AM, so even in Halo, I never get screaming kids. I bet the full game will be like that too.

As for PS3 beating 360 worldwide....No. PS3 and 360 sales for the last 12 months actually favor the 360 by 500k. Yes weekly sales for 2011 are higher for PS3, but the 360 has shipped more units, and 360 sales tend to jump in the fall. Did you not read this thread?

Every analysts says PS3 and 360 sales should tie for 2011.

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CGI-Quality said:
dsage01 said:
kivi95 said:
Heavy rain as it's something special and i couln't leave the game!!!

dsage01# Multiplayer for Heavy rain......are you serious?

why not. It would be creative.

How, exactly? The type of game HR is wouldn't make any sense to include a multiplayer. It's strictly about the story.

Maybe we could make our own serial killer and have multiplayer matchmaking where everyone tries to kill each other. The trick is when you attack or dodge, you have to follow one of the button sequence events.

You are right, this vote is like comparing Apples to Oranges, but that Halo Orange is a big Orange. Halo should out vote Heavy Rain, not because it's a better game (both are excellent), but because as a $60 purchase, you get more out of Halo. For the same reason I would expect Halo to out vote Alan Wake, and I would expect GT to do the same as Halo.

Obviously some people not a fan of the FPS franchise should vote Heavy Rain, especially those who replayed the game multipler times. However this is the best selling HD exclusive were talking about here, it's should be outclassed by a game which sells a fifth as many units. Quality aside, when you're hungry, the big Orange will be more appealing then the small tasty Apple.

I think dsage made this comparision to get a 360 game to win against a PS3 title, but clearly, since many people don't own a 360 here, they probably just instinctivly vote the PS3 game.

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Michael-5 said:
kickazz113 said:
Michael-5 said:
dsage01 said:
Michael-5 said:
brendude13 said:

More active PS3 users, more hardcore gamers on PS3 who are likely to use gaming websites or just generally people who prefer the PS3, whether they own both consoles or not.

Basically, because the PS3 exclusives tend to be more popular on this website, people are pointing it out as if it's some kind of fanboy infestation, when there isn't.

I agree with the second point, but not the first.

Maybe 360 owners are just playing their games instead of being here? It would explain higher software sales and active XBL users over PSN, but less users on this website.

I think it's just some websites are more strongly MS oriented, others Sony. Simple as that.

Well Xbox fans are scatterd all over youtube, gamespot e.t.c. But I see PS owners get more deeper into things such as sales. But I find the PS3 audince older than the people who buy the 360. I don't hear no kids screaming on my ear in games like GT, Killzone, and hardly in Uncharted  like I do in Halo and occasionally Gears of War too. So I really don't think that kids would be intrested in sales sites such as these.

That could be it. When I joined VGC I was always confused why there were more PS3 fans on a sales website (360 is beating PS3 after all), but age might play a role. I mean when I played the UC3 beta I heard just as many kids over the mics as in a typical Halo game, but I think less kids are interested in something like Killzone, and I know SOCOM has an older audience. Then again, how many are interested in Forza and Alan Wake? I know Left 4 Dead 2 had a young audience surprisingly, so I agree with this.

Also because 360 is largely popular in British Empire countries, I bet websites more focused on news in specific countries (like USA) are likely the ones more popular with 360 fans.

ps3 is beating xbox worldwide you cant denay that, even to active user base. and no i think ur lying, whenever i play uc3, there are NO kids screaming, i only heard ppl cussing thats all. so yeah

That link you gave leads to "Page not Found."

I only played UC3 demo for about an hour, it's not my type of MP game. UC, like Metroid Prime, should stick to single player IMO, but MP will help sales. As for Kids screaming, that's what I experienced. However I tend to play games online between 2-5AM, so even in Halo, I never get screaming kids. I bet the full game will be like that too.

As for PS3 beating 360 worldwide....No. PS3 and 360 sales for the last 12 months actually favor the 360 by 500k. Yes weekly sales for 2011 are higher for PS3, but the 360 has shipped more units, and 360 sales tend to jump in the fall. Did you not read this thread?

Every analysts says PS3 and 360 sales should tie for 2011.

dude there are bunch kids screaming in halo, and you defiently lying, as i already told you no matter what compare to yearly sale from 2009, ps3 always beat xbox, and i just posted the link in ur page it should work now

kickazz113 said:
Michael-5 said:

That is true, but it hasn't been consistant. PS3 outsold the 360 from fall 2009 to summer 2010. Then the next 6 months 360 was ontop, and the first six months of 2011 PS3 was ontop. I bet you, since 360 is a stronger brand in regions where holiday sales affect console sales most (and judging from last fall), 360 will outsell PS3 for the end of the year.

So the fair way to look at it is that 360 had mid 2008-mid 2009. PS3 had mid 2009-2010. Since mid 2010 it's been fairly even (within 5% now after 6 months of PS3 being ontop).

This is why you should look at fisical years instead of actual ones since decisions made in September affect the next 12 months much more then those in January.

like i said even xbox beat ps3 in holiday season, but ps3 will still have more sale, just look at 2010. ps3 still beat xbox even tho it lost the holiday season

Yea, but that's because PS3 was r*ping the 360 for the first half of 2010 with it's Slim model vs. 360's fat one. PS3 gained a lot of ground in the window from fall 2009-fall 2010, but since then PS3/360 sales have been pretty even. The fact that 360 caught up so many sales in fall 2010 is amazing on its own.

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Around the Network
kickazz113 said:
Michael-5 said:
kickazz113 said:

ps3 is beating xbox worldwide you cant denay that, even to active user base. and no i think ur lying, whenever i play uc3, there are NO kids screaming, i only heard ppl cussing thats all. so yeah

That link you gave leads to "Page not Found."

I only played UC3 demo for about an hour, it's not my type of MP game. UC, like Metroid Prime, should stick to single player IMO, but MP will help sales. As for Kids screaming, that's what I experienced. However I tend to play games online between 2-5AM, so even in Halo, I never get screaming kids. I bet the full game will be like that too.

As for PS3 beating 360 worldwide....No. PS3 and 360 sales for the last 12 months actually favor the 360 by 500k. Yes weekly sales for 2011 are higher for PS3, but the 360 has shipped more units, and 360 sales tend to jump in the fall. Did you not read this thread?

Every analysts says PS3 and 360 sales should tie for 2011.

dude there are bunch kids screaming in halo, and you defiently lying, as i already told you no matter what compare to yearly sale from 2009, ps3 always beat xbox, and i just posted the link in ur page it should work now

I never said kids aren't screaming in Halo. I said when I play there aren't any and UC3 will probably fair the same.

Why should I compare yearly sales from 2009? Why not 2008 when 360 gained 4 million units on PS3? 2008, 2009 are old news, and they marked period where 360/PS3 both gained significant ground due to a price cut/slim model. The last 12 months (more relavent figure), 360 has actually outsold the PS3, and even if you take the last 10 months (to ignore the 360 Slim effect), sales are even.

Regardless of this all, the upcoming price cut on PS3/360/Kinect/Move could push either console into a significant sales lead. There is no point argueing current trends when they may drastically change in just 2 months.

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Reasonable said:
pezus said:
Reasonable said:
Damn those Sony fans... another unfair close call.

Why? It's not like Heavy Rain isn't a great game

I was just joking based on all the posts about unfair bias.

You scared me there for a second Reasonable!

Michael-5 said:
kickazz113 said:
Michael-5 said:

That is true, but it hasn't been consistant. PS3 outsold the 360 from fall 2009 to summer 2010. Then the next 6 months 360 was ontop, and the first six months of 2011 PS3 was ontop. I bet you, since 360 is a stronger brand in regions where holiday sales affect console sales most (and judging from last fall), 360 will outsell PS3 for the end of the year.

So the fair way to look at it is that 360 had mid 2008-mid 2009. PS3 had mid 2009-2010. Since mid 2010 it's been fairly even (within 5% now after 6 months of PS3 being ontop).

This is why you should look at fisical years instead of actual ones since decisions made in September affect the next 12 months much more then those in January.

like i said even xbox beat ps3 in holiday season, but ps3 will still have more sale, just look at 2010. ps3 still beat xbox even tho it lost the holiday season

Yea, but that's because PS3 was r*ping the 360 for the first half of 2010 with it's Slim model vs. 360's fat one. PS3 gained a lot of ground in the window from fall 2009-fall 2010, but since then PS3/360 sales have been pretty even. The fact that 360 caught up so many sales in fall 2010 is amazing on its own.

yet it still didnt outsell ps3, come on man i know you tried but ps3 is beating xbox YEARLY sale from 2009 to today

kickazz113 said:
Michael-5 said:

Yea, but that's because PS3 was r*ping the 360 for the first half of 2010 with it's Slim model vs. 360's fat one. PS3 gained a lot of ground in the window from fall 2009-fall 2010, but since then PS3/360 sales have been pretty even. The fact that 360 caught up so many sales in fall 2010 is amazing on its own.

yet it still didnt outsell ps3, come on man i know you tried but ps3 is beating xbox YEARLY sale from 2009 to today

No garentee PS3 will beat 360 for 2011 year. The analysts to the link I gave you believe 2011 will be a draw.

If you look at yearly sales figures, of course 2009 and 2010 favor PS3. The Slim model vastly helped PS3 sales, but now that the PS3 Slim effect is over, PS3 and 360 are selling on par. This is what I am trying to explain to you.

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dsage01 said:
dsage01 said:
CGI-Quality said:
dsage01 said:
pezus said:
Reasonable said:
Damn those Sony fans... another unfair close call.

Why? It's not like Heavy Rain isn't a great game

It's a good game but it coming even close to Halo is very odd.

I don't get this place sometimes...

- On one hand, "VG Chartz is full of Sony fanboys, so it makes sense that the comparisons are heavily skewed".

- On the other hand, "[insert PS3 exclusive her] is a good game, but coming close to [insert Xbox 360 exclusive here} is very odd.

In truth, despite the difference in popularity in most of these comparison's cases, one forum out of billions on the internet is hardly indicative of just how popular many of these titles are. Therefore, nothing about the results are odd, especially considering people can vote without posting. In fact, the only things odd here are some of these comparions in the first place - but then again, I'm sure by now you knew that.

Yes I admit this site is biased but a game coming close to Xbox 360's best selling exclusive franchise is just plain weird. And that too Halo. It's got great reviews by people and critics. And Heavy Rain is just good. So I would still expect 20-10 despite all the Sony fanboys on this site.

srry i don't get why its weird.

at the end of the day the results are still going to be based on opinions. one can never factualy state that HALO is better then Heavy Rain, and if you do say one is better then i'd tell you to prove it without reveiws and links to other opinions.

lol but I think in this case the word "multiplayer defines it all"

we gone fight lol. multiplayer defines nothing. thats just another opinion. its baseless. for some it adds more to the game and to others it doesn't.

DLC which both games had alot of is wht matters when talking about expanding the game which still in-affect another opinion and adds to the game for some and doesn't for others.

DLC and multiplayer do nothering more then extend the game, but both get old and you can only provide DLC, and continue playing multiplayer for so-long.