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CGI-Quality said:
dsage01 said:
kivi95 said:
Heavy rain as it's something special and i couln't leave the game!!!

dsage01# Multiplayer for Heavy rain......are you serious?

why not. It would be creative.

How, exactly? The type of game HR is wouldn't make any sense to include a multiplayer. It's strictly about the story.

Maybe we could make our own serial killer and have multiplayer matchmaking where everyone tries to kill each other. The trick is when you attack or dodge, you have to follow one of the button sequence events.

You are right, this vote is like comparing Apples to Oranges, but that Halo Orange is a big Orange. Halo should out vote Heavy Rain, not because it's a better game (both are excellent), but because as a $60 purchase, you get more out of Halo. For the same reason I would expect Halo to out vote Alan Wake, and I would expect GT to do the same as Halo.

Obviously some people not a fan of the FPS franchise should vote Heavy Rain, especially those who replayed the game multipler times. However this is the best selling HD exclusive were talking about here, it's should be outclassed by a game which sells a fifth as many units. Quality aside, when you're hungry, the big Orange will be more appealing then the small tasty Apple.

I think dsage made this comparision to get a 360 game to win against a PS3 title, but clearly, since many people don't own a 360 here, they probably just instinctivly vote the PS3 game.

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