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Forums - Sony Discussion - What is the PS3 life expectancy when it's used for Blu-Ray

Many users at avsforum have been using it as an optical media player since launch, and I haven't heard of any laser problems on there yet. It may be too early to tell, however.

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It's a Sony console so that means it has a life expectancy of warranty period + 1 week!

wiiforever said:
leo-j said:
Its is the best blu-ray player, threrefore it has a higher life than stand alon blu-ray players.

^since when? How do u know that the standalone BR players are worse? In fact, I bet the stand alone BR players are better

 The sony stand alone blu-ray player takes forever to load 

there's no diversity because we're burning in the melting pot


I feel it will lies in the life of the blue LED used to read the Disk.


Maybe they can reach 50K hours life on the blue LED, but the brightness of this LED will be half at the 50K hours mark.

I am hoping that this doesnt reduce the ability to read disks, otherwise the life will be a lot shorter than we would hope, and i am hoping the sony engineers ensured the heat inside the box was low around the LED as this would affect the life of the Blue led substancially.

Predictions JAN 08

2008 PS3-19.5M(actual 19.5) XBOX360-23M(actual 27.5) Wii - 37M(actual 45.8M)

End of 2009 PS3-27 25M XBOX360-30 35M Wii - 48 63M (revised DEC 08)

Price Point
Mid 2008 Wii $250 Xbox360$249 Xbox360(HDD)$299 PS3 $399

Mid 2009 Wii $189 Xbox360$199 Xbox360(HDD)$249 PS3 $339

Mid 2010 Wii $ 149 Xbox360$159 Xbox360(HDD)$199 PS3 $289

rocketpig said:
Personally, I don't believe in stressing a console's life by extensively using it as an optical media player. The tasks required of it are different (constant reading at a consistent speed) than gaming and it seems to burn through drives. I killed both a PS2 and an Xbox this way (second systems in other rooms, should have just coughed up $100 for a DVD player at the time).

With that said, the PS3 seems to be holding up well as a media player. I personally wouldn't test it but that's just my opinion and I'm sure there are several others who will disagree.

Thank you sir.


This has been my main argument against using any of my consoles as a DVD player. My brother is always trying to "borrow" my PS2 to play DVD's and he doesn't understand why I object.


All electronics are built with a life expectancy.


When you play DVD's or Blu-Ray discs on them, you are using every part of the console constantly, the laser, the fans, the motor, the processor, and your constantly streaming it.


Games, I assume, are far less stringant on a console than are movies.


So, basically, why use up the life of my console playing movies, which are guarnteed to last for hours, when I could just buy another player specifically for this purpose.


It's not the issue of money, its the issue of having to send a console off, buy a new one, lose all my HD stuff, game saves, ect, and it's not something I want to bring closer to me because I was gonna play movies instead of play videogames on my videogame machine.


If game machines lasted forever, and weren't on a clock of death or malfunction, I could see using them for whatever old thing you wanted to do, and not worry about it.


...but not me. I'm obsessive-compulsive, and can't stand the thought of my 500 dollar game machine, which I love, breaking down for some reason, because my family wanted to watch Hidalgo on Blu-Ray.


Sorry, watch it on your time, not mine. I'm sternly against the use of gaming machines as DVD/HD-DVD/Blu-Ray players, always have been, and always will be.


If your PS3 breaks down, its the end of the world. If your blu-ray player breaks down, honestly, who cares if its gone for a month or two. I can live without it, but not without games. 

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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@ Rocketpig and ZenfoldorVGI

Maybe I have just been lucky, but I have owned virtually every console from Pong, and I have never had a console go bad on me. They collect dust in a closet (or I give them away) before they break.

If I paid $600 for the PS3, and it's more likely that it will stop using it before it breaks, why not get as much use out of it as I can?