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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Could Canceling our Pre-orders for Skyward Sword Obtain Nintendo's Attention?

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Would it work?

If enough people do it 27 30.00%
Not at all 46 51.11%
We should do nothing but hope 1 1.11%
We should do nothing and cry 4 4.44%
We should cancel our pre-... 2 2.22%
We should cancel our pre-... 0 0%
It's not a big deal 10 11.11%
Chibi.V.29 said:
Play4Fun said:
LOL. have you seen the hype for SS?

No one is going to cancel pre-orders. That is a day one game!

I belive he was speaking hypothetically -_-

I don't.

Some people on forums around the net seem ready to sacrifice animals to Nintendo if it means they would get games localised.

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Alternatively, Americans could just import the game from Europe, then either mod their Wiis or get a PAL Wii. Seeing the sales might encourage NoA to localise it (I personally believe this happened with Namco-Bandai and Demon Souls), but even if it doesn't NoE gets more sales and in effect gets rewarded for being awesome. Win-Win situation IMO.

Mr Khan said:
richardhutnik said:

How about doing a project where you have people pledge they would buy the games if they are release and take orders of $50 a piece?  Get over 100,000 people signed up, and show Nintendo this number.

I always wondered whether a website like that existed, to provide "proof" of sales, though it can't be legally binding

Now if a site could make it legally binding, that'd be something

Are pledges legally binding?  It is possible that it works like pledges.  You get the pledge, then people pay, then you proceed to the next step.

People can research if they are interested.

Internet Hype == Sales

Nintendo have made up their mind, so NO.


Mr Khan said:
It's rather a bit of a quandary. If the people really pissed off about Op Rainfall just declare that if Nintendo doesn't localize, they'll lose customers, Nintendo has even less incentive to pay attention to these people, who are small in number and are imminently becoming non-customers in the first place

Really, the method Op Rainfall's been trying is the best way. No rage, no threats, just a show of support for the games

But what they have been doing hasnt been working, you dont do the same thing over again when it fails, thats insanity, you try somehting new

OT, i voted for the first thing but in reality i know that people will cry and hope, thats what they've been doing forever,Zelda is too popular, no one has the stones to boycott that, 

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MrT-Tar said:
Alternatively, Americans could just import the game from Europe, then either mod their Wiis or get a PAL Wii. Seeing the sales might encourage NoA to localise it (I personally believe this happened with Namco-Bandai and Demon Souls), but even if it doesn't NoE gets more sales and in effect gets rewarded for being awesome. Win-Win situation IMO.

thats cool, but if they did import it, they would have no reason to buy the game if it does get localise, and how much people are willing to mod their consoles. PS3 if region free so its not the exact same situation

oniyide said:
Mr Khan said:
It's rather a bit of a quandary. If the people really pissed off about Op Rainfall just declare that if Nintendo doesn't localize, they'll lose customers, Nintendo has even less incentive to pay attention to these people, who are small in number and are imminently becoming non-customers in the first place

Really, the method Op Rainfall's been trying is the best way. No rage, no threats, just a show of support for the games

But what they have been doing hasnt been working, you dont do the same thing over again when it fails, thats insanity, you try somehting new

OT, i voted for the first thing but in reality i know that people will cry and hope, thats what they've been doing forever,Zelda is too popular, no one has the stones to boycott that, 

Hasn't been working when we've run with it for, what, a week?

Geez, if Ghandi had given up that quick, William and Kate would currently be in India with a bunch of Indians kowtowing to them...

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Even if you could get enough people to cancel pre-orders to get Nintendo to notice it wouldn't guarantee anything. One: Nintendo might blame other factors for the loss - graphic style, WiiU, etc.
Two: They may not care because it'll still sell millions.
Three: No one likes to be blackmailed and that's exactly what this move is. Threatening to not buy Zelda in order to get the other games. Nintendo would probably ignore it completely.

A better response would be to take the existing campaign off the forums and social networks and into the streets and stores. Get the mass media involved, not just the gaming media. If the mass media starts to report NoA is neglecting it's fanbase and not releasing any games for their own systems, that'll make even the most casual of gamers, think twice before buying Nintendo products. It'll also shame Nintendo (a company that doesn't care about it's consumers) publicly and even if NoA ignores the public shaming, NoJ will not.


Mr Khan said:
oniyide said:
Mr Khan said:
It's rather a bit of a quandary. If the people really pissed off about Op Rainfall just declare that if Nintendo doesn't localize, they'll lose customers, Nintendo has even less incentive to pay attention to these people, who are small in number and are imminently becoming non-customers in the first place

Really, the method Op Rainfall's been trying is the best way. No rage, no threats, just a show of support for the games

But what they have been doing hasnt been working, you dont do the same thing over again when it fails, thats insanity, you try somehting new

OT, i voted for the first thing but in reality i know that people will cry and hope, thats what they've been doing forever,Zelda is too popular, no one has the stones to boycott that, 

Hasn't been working when we've run with it for, what, a week?

Geez, if Ghandi had given up that quick, William and Kate would currently be in India with a bunch of Indians kowtowing to them...

it hasn't been working because they said no, doing the same thing would make them say yes??? but by all means do what u think works

Man are people that desparte for these games.