Even if you could get enough people to cancel pre-orders to get Nintendo to notice it wouldn't guarantee anything. One: Nintendo might blame other factors for the loss - graphic style, WiiU, etc.
Two: They may not care because it'll still sell millions.
Three: No one likes to be blackmailed and that's exactly what this move is. Threatening to not buy Zelda in order to get the other games. Nintendo would probably ignore it completely.
A better response would be to take the existing campaign off the forums and social networks and into the streets and stores. Get the mass media involved, not just the gaming media. If the mass media starts to report NoA is neglecting it's fanbase and not releasing any games for their own systems, that'll make even the most casual of gamers, think twice before buying Nintendo products. It'll also shame Nintendo (a company that doesn't care about it's consumers) publicly and even if NoA ignores the public shaming, NoJ will not.