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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - How to fix your Wii remote.

Odd story about a Wii remote that the motion sensing stopped working for.


Crazy (real-life) Wii Remote tech-support call...

The GeekMom and I got the kids a Wii for Christmas.  Last night, one of the remotes went funky - you could press the buttons and select options on the screen, but when you went to swing a golf-club, bowl, pitch a baseball or swing a baseball bat, the Wii remote acted like it wasn't there.  I'm a GeekDad - I can fix this...I know I can...

  • Fresh batteries - nope.
  • Re-sync the remote - nope.
  • Re-sync all the remotes - nope.
  • Reset the remote - still nope.

So, I exhausted all the options for getting a remote to work given on the Nintendo support site and called (with gritted teeth) the customer service line...two days after Christmas.  I expected the worst.

I was surprised.  A very pleasant lady took my call within one minute of getting through the push-button maze to get to Wii Remote troubleshooting.

I explained what the problem was and what I had tried.  She then asked me to check one more thing - the Wii Sensor - which checked out.  Then the conversation went something like this:

Friendly Nintendo Help Desk Lady: "Okay - I want you to take the remote, button side down and smack it into the palm of your hand two or three times."
Russ: "You've got to be kidding"
Friendly Nintendo Help Desk Lady: "No sir, do it hard enough that I can hear it across the phone line but not hard enough to damage the remote"
Russ: "You're sure?"
Friendly Nintendo Help Desk Lady: "Yes, sir."

So, button-side down, the funky Wii remote got smacked in the palm of my hand three times....

...and the thing worked!

Now, why don't they publish this fix on the support site?

BTW, my six-year-old beats me every single time we play a game of Wii bowling....but from an informal poll of friends/relatives, it seems the youngest person in the family is the best bowler in the family.


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If this was a more widespread problem, it could have been known as the "cartridge blowing" of this gen. Nice find.

I've known about this since about March. This happened to me and I hit the Wii-mote with my hand and it works perfectly today.

I was suprised it hadn't bee posted before, google news said it was 13 hours old. (I checked the first page of "nintendo" and "gaming" but if I missed it I am sorry)

I wonder what causes it? I didn't think the motion sensing (accelerometer/gyroscope thing) used moving parts, but perhaps it does and they have a tendency to stick?

What if your wii mote isnt broken.


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leo-j said:
What if your wii mote isnt broken.

You wouldn't need to fix the Wii-mote if it isn't broke

I didn't realize mine was broken

I like Bacon said:
leo-j said:
What if your wii mote isnt broken.

You wouldn't need to fix the Wii-mote if it isn't broke

 leoj couldnt figure that out.

neat, haven't run into this one personally, but its always nice to know the solution just in case.

Hopefully this isn't a widespread issue though, hardware shouldn't need fixes like this, but as long as it is one time fix it isn't that big of a deal.

To Each Man, Responsibility

I just love Leo-j sometimes.