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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo responds to Xenoblade's localization efforts (along with Monolithsoft, Mistwalker)

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Tears probably doesn't mean anything bad, it's an expression of them "crying" over the outpouring of support.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

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manuel said:
RolStoppable said:
Somebody needs to take Reggie's name and kick his ass.

If everybody chips in a few $ I'll do it.

I have a better idea, I'll mail you to Nintendo of America, in a giant box and you will arrive on the same day as all of those letters. Tell Reggie how much the fans want the games, and that there is a market for them. If he doesn't listen, then kick his ass. 

With how big this has gotten, it's going to be hitting mainstream news outlets by the end of the week if it keeps picking up momentum.

If it hits mainstream news, it would be corporate suicide for NOA to not give in. Heck, it may already have gotten big enough that it would hit mainstream news if Nintendo ignored us.

With that said, I think we can safely say SOMETHING positive is going to happen for us. But that doesn't mean we can let off - it just means it's that much more important to keep pressing!


IamAwsome said:
manuel said:
RolStoppable said:
Somebody needs to take Reggie's name and kick his ass.

If everybody chips in a few $ I'll do it.

I have a better idea, I'll mail you to Nintendo of America, in a giant box and you will arrive on the same day as all of those letters. Tell Reggie how much the fans want the games, and that there is a market for them. If he doesn't listen, then kick his ass. 

Yay, I'll get into NoA!

Need something off Play-Asia?

Alright nobody should expect a thing, 6,000 individuals posting isn't that much. had over 30,000 signatures and sent the petition to Nintendo and guess what Miyamoto had this to say "You might not know this, but there was a petition in the US, a 'Please make Mother 3' petition and it got about 30,000 signatures! After that, we thought "Wow... Earthbound fans are really solid.""

30,000 signatures including my own and Nintendo still didn't localize Mother 3. Nintendo isn't one to listen to petitions or out cries they want to see good sales figures. Apparently EarthBound never sold well enough in North America so despite 30,000 signatures Nintendo still didn't bring Mother 3 to North America.

If Nintendo ignored 30,000 signatures then they will likely ignore these comments. Also those 30,000 were for a single game. These comments are about three. What are the chances Nintendo is going to localize three games when they wouldn't localize one of their best performing RPG's?


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer


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yeah, we should keep on sending mails, not to mention that we want Dynamic Slash and Disaster: Day of Crysis as well as Pikmin 2

: P

don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^

Joelcool7 said:

Alright nobody should expect a thing, 6,000 individuals posting isn't that much. had over 30,000 signatures and sent the petition to Nintendo and guess what Miyamoto had this to say "You might not know this, but there was a petition in the US, a 'Please make Mother 3' petition and it got about 30,000 signatures! After that, we thought "Wow... Earthbound fans are really solid.""

30,000 signatures including my own and Nintendo still didn't localize Mother 3. Nintendo isn't one to listen to petitions or out cries they want to see good sales figures. Apparently EarthBound never sold well enough in North America so despite 30,000 signatures Nintendo still didn't bring Mother 3 to North America.

If Nintendo ignored 30,000 signatures then they will likely ignore these comments. Also those 30,000 were for a single game. These comments are about three. What are the chances Nintendo is going to localize three games when they wouldn't localize one of their best performing RPG's?

30,000 signatures is nothing people could really see, though. What's happening now is that the fans are hitting them in the public sphere; flooding their facebook, twitter, their YouTube comments. This gets Nintendo's attention quicker because its not just 30,000 nerds stacking together in a list that no-one but them knows or cares about, this could become a PR nightmare if Nintendo ignores this

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

dark_gh0st_b0y said:
yeah, we should keep on sending mails, not to mention that we want Dynamic Slash and Disaster: Day of Crysis as well as Pikmin 2

: P

Honestly, it's probably better right now to focus on a these few titles than attacking Nintendo about all the games they haven't released in the last half decade and expecting them to release them all in 6-12 month peroid. 

Oculin's Box - Sometimes I think about video games when I'm not playing them.

I've just had this horrible thought (well, not horrible, but still...): what if some Nintendo rep woke up, looked in Facebook and saw over 3000 comments under the "Sonic the Hedgehog" post, didn't bother reading any of the comments and so when they said "“Hey fans, we appreciate your enthusiasm. Look for more updates to come soon!”" they just meant that since there were so many comments for Mario & sonic there would soon be more updates on that???

But then again, that was also posted also in Twitter, and there could be no mistake what it was referring to there. Phew!

Currently Playing: Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked, Professor Layton and the Curious Village

Anticipating: Xenoblade, The Last Story, Mario Kart 7, Rayman Origins, Zelda SS, Crush3D, Tales of the Abyss 3DS, MGS:Snake Eater 3DS, RE:Revelations, Time Travellers, Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney, Luigi's Mansion 2, MH TriG, DQ Monsters, Heroes of Ruin

Fab_GS said:


That's my banner XD