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Alright nobody should expect a thing, 6,000 individuals posting isn't that much. had over 30,000 signatures and sent the petition to Nintendo and guess what Miyamoto had this to say "You might not know this, but there was a petition in the US, a 'Please make Mother 3' petition and it got about 30,000 signatures! After that, we thought "Wow... Earthbound fans are really solid.""

30,000 signatures including my own and Nintendo still didn't localize Mother 3. Nintendo isn't one to listen to petitions or out cries they want to see good sales figures. Apparently EarthBound never sold well enough in North America so despite 30,000 signatures Nintendo still didn't bring Mother 3 to North America.

If Nintendo ignored 30,000 signatures then they will likely ignore these comments. Also those 30,000 were for a single game. These comments are about three. What are the chances Nintendo is going to localize three games when they wouldn't localize one of their best performing RPG's?


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer