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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz Metascore Prediction League 2011 - Winner: Kantor!

Nintendogamer said:
Seece said:
Nintendogamer said:
Seece said:
Nintendogamer said:
Kirby wii - 76%, Skyward sword - 83%.

Go away, you're just being annoying on purpose

what if theses are the scores, I've heard negative things about SS, about it graphcis ect.  Even if I said Kirby wii - 81% and SS - 96% you'de say it's stooopid.

ugh, for god sakes no I wouldn't, cos they're not stupid scores. Why do you get it in your head people get annoyed with the crap you spout because it's you? it's not, it's cos it's rubbish. Exactly why Nintendo fans get pissed off with you as well. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and in future if you're just gonna come out with pessimistic annoying rubbish stay out of my threads.

Well they pissed me off in the past so I piss them off.

Thanks for admitting you do it just to piss people off.


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Seece said:
Acevil said:
Seece said:
Nintendogamer said:
Kirby wii - 76%, Skyward sword - 83%.

Go away, you're just being annoying on purpose

I think that is trolling, honestly speaking even if he is correct. 

Yeah, he's been warned about it. It's pathetic tbh, never met anyone that gets so depressed and downbeat about a video game company not doing very well ...

Me being a handicapped prick doesn't help me either.

Buying in 2015: Captain toad: treasure tracker,

mario maker

new 3ds

yoshi woolly world

zelda U

majora's mask 3d

Seece said:
Nintendogamer said:
Seece said:
Nintendogamer said:
Seece said:
Nintendogamer said:
Kirby wii - 76%, Skyward sword - 83%.

Go away, you're just being annoying on purpose

what if theses are the scores, I've heard negative things about SS, about it graphcis ect.  Even if I said Kirby wii - 81% and SS - 96% you'de say it's stooopid.

ugh, for god sakes no I wouldn't, cos they're not stupid scores. Why do you get it in your head people get annoyed with the crap you spout because it's you? it's not, it's cos it's rubbish. Exactly why Nintendo fans get pissed off with you as well. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and in future if you're just gonna come out with pessimistic annoying rubbish stay out of my threads.

Well they pissed me off in the past so I piss them off.

Thanks for admitting you do it just to piss people off.

And because they pissed me off too.

Buying in 2015: Captain toad: treasure tracker,

mario maker

new 3ds

yoshi woolly world

zelda U

majora's mask 3d

Anyway ...

I'm surprised we've got SotC scores so earlier, all at once as well. Funny time to end an embargo.

Probably won't include it in next weeks update though as it won't have many reviews.


Nice SoTC scores. I actually hope I'm off on this one. I hope it an manage into the 90's. That should help convince non-fans to buy this game.

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Dead Island has a metacritic of 80 with 5 reviews while ps360 is 73/72. Will you count the pc if this is the case?

Looks like my predictions aren't too shabby so far.

I predicted 92 for Dues Ex despite not been a fan of RPG's, now even though the game is currently only on 89 i genuinely do think it's a 90+ game, i was blown away by it.

Now, as for Resistance............ my 82 prediction is looking pretty good right now (and nobody scored it lower)

Dead Island has been a very tricky one to predict, because the review scores from the critics are all over the place.

Damn, I have so far sucked, at least I have 1 point for ICO/SoTC (It could change though).
As the above guy said, will you count the PC version of Dead Island? (That'd make me spot on ^_^ lol )

oops, i missed one 79 score on page 1 and some around the 83, 82 & 81 mark on page 2 (missed page 2 completely)

either way it doesn't look like many will be predicting Resistance's score correctly.

Deus Ex HR: 89, my prediction: 89 - EPIC SUCCESS
Dead Island: 73, my prediction: 81 - EPIC FAILURE
Resistance 3: 83, my prediction: 83 - EPIC SUCCESS
GoW: Origins: 86, my prediction: 83 - It will go down in the future.
Ico Collection: 90, my prediction: 88 - Close enough. It'll go down though

I'm doing quite well so far