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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz Metascore Prediction League 2011 - Winner: Kantor!

Jay520 said:
I don't know if Dark Souls will change at this point. It might, but it's been out for quite a while now, so it could stay the same.. I hope it does.

Well, it's 89 on P3 and 90 on 360, but a very low 90, 1 70 mark would probably tip it to 89. Even going up or down 1 point means I have to reconfigure the entire leaderboard, which is why I'm keen to avoid.

But yeah, I'm surprised DS has got the amount of reviews it has, been a great year for games like this (Dead Island) games that have done above and beyond expectations.


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non-gravity said:
Well it's for you to decide if you've got enough time to update or want to skip one, but I would appreciate it if you did :)

I updated the scores and made it easier to see if you've scored points on a game, I should get the leaderboard done today as well, hopefully this will sate your appetite for now though


First review of Skyward sword coming soon in ONM. I'm guessing 94%-96%

Buying in 2015: Captain toad: treasure tracker,

mario maker

new 3ds

yoshi woolly world

zelda U

majora's mask 3d

Nintendogamer said:
First review of Skyward sword coming soon in ONM. I'm guessing 94%-96%

Yeah, I guessed 95 meta


lol no one got Dead Island perfectly right.

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It's an almighty pain to update this thread when scores fluctuate so much. SO, no I'm not abandoning the thread! But I do suppose some new rules.

The score counted will be the version with the most review scores, this is the version less likely to fluctuate. When you have a 360 version with 65 reviews, and a PS3 version with 29, but the PS3 version has the higher score, not only is the PS3 score not the definitive meta score, but it's much more likely to fluctuate.

However, if a higher scored sku is within 10 reviews of the highest reviewed version (or whatever I deem realistic ie 80 to 100 would be OK because they're so high) then the highest score will be counted.

If anyone has a problem with this please let me know, I feel this is the best way forward though, some games are going to fluctuate like made over the next couple of months because they have so little reviews yet are the highest score.

I'll also be doing a full update today/tomorrow



Shouldn't I have 4 points? I got 1 p from ICO and SOCT,God of War:Origins, Forza 4 and Gears.

kowenicki said:
Are the score up to date...? mine looks wrong.

I don't think they are but that's most likely because it's a bitch to update this thread.

This thread is dead.

Bah lucky bastard Kantor.

The above is an insult, ban me for it.